
Well Known Member
I read somewhere awhile ago about getting greater than 200 kts ground speed in RV. I thought I will begin a 200 Club for RV9/A to document the >200 kts moments. So far I had several such moments but only a few times with my camera onboard. Here are two of my proofs.

1/19/2008, 204 kts GS

Ground speed is at the upper left corner of the display.

1/27/2008, 207 kts GS
I'll let you know in a few weeks.

Ok, I'm game. I still don't have my wheel pants on, but on a recent return from Long Beach to Tucson at 2350rpm, I saw 172kts at 9,500 burning 8gph and that was with my 110 lb wife and 30 gallons of fuel.

For the test, I would be happy to toss her out!!! Anything to advance science!!
3LF is not a fast 9A. But whenever I saw a strong wind up there I tried to point my nose downwind so I can have the 200+ kts GS to make me feel great:). On straight and level I can not made more than 163 ktas:(. You (and many others) beat me for sure. By the way I did make it to 17,500' once on gross.
200 kt club

Had over 200 kts GS on the way back from Midland a couple of weeks ago. I'll start carrying my camera for a screen shot next time it happens.

Joe Ramotowski
RV9A 0320 160 hp. carb. FP
138 hrs since 9/1/07.
Not a 9


This is from a time I happened to have a camera on-board at 17,500 over western Colorado. TAS is 164 knots and GS is 206 knots. I know, the RV-6 is a bit faster and I have an O-360. Good times!
Missed it by.......

that much....


We had turned the corner at Aurora (party on Garth) and were jamming for Grandmas house. We were burning 6gph with a 50kt tailwind. Economy was good! Not so great coming back that night.......
205 knots!

I was giving a ride to a local RV-9A builder this afternoon. We were putzing around at 6,000 ft when I noticed the 496 was indicating 190kts GS. What the hec, lets put our tail to the wind and see what happens. We quickly hit 205kts at about 2550 RPM! He's got the picture to prove it (which I am waiting for) but here is the stats from MapSource I downloaded this evening.

OK--we will play!

The attached was on the way back from visiting my brother in N. Az to help with the first flight of his RV7a. Janie and I were flying at 11.5k, don't remember the power setting, truing around 164 kts, with a ground speed of 204 kts. Do we meet the minimum requirements for the club???



The other day I was using my 496 in the truck and while watching it record my current speed (Actually within the posted limits, I might add.), I realized that should I get pulled over for speeding the 496 could be used against me. In thinking this, I flipped over to the Trip Computer screen which displays the Moving Average (102.7), Total Average (81.9), and Maximum Speed (211.5). I'm thinking I'm ok because it might be an intereresting conversation explaining those numbers to a judge and he would have to agree that my old truck just can't go that fast.

(BTW, those numbers are in Statue MPH, not knots. So, it looks like I need to go find some strong tailwinds.)
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A couple of years ago on the way to SnF I launched into a high tail wind situation at altitude. I was flying a -9A with 220 HP up front capable of 175 knots in calm air. With the tail wind my ground speed was 215knts. I actually skipped my first fuel stop and made it to SnF is record time. It is fun to see the high numbers, and not feel any difference in the plane. She was just humming along. The ground just rolls in front of you, kinda surreal.

No pictures, just memories....I'm bring my camera next time!
Ooo.. good idea. My trip computer reads a max speed of 239.5mph which works out to 208 knots. :0)

In thinking this, I flipped over to the Trip Computer screen which displays the Moving Average (102.7), Total Average (81.9), and Maximum Speed (211.5).