
Well Known Member
It probably took me as much time to write the trip up as it did to fly it, but here is the link to the web log of my trip out west a month ago.


The scenery out west was awesome, particularly eastern Utah. No better way to see it than from an RV. The highlights were flying by Devils Tower, over the Sawtooth Mountains, following the Johy Wesley Powell voyage down the Green River, Arches, Canyonlands, Antelope Canyon, Pima Air & Space Museum/Boneyard in Tucson, White Sands NP in New Mexico, Guadalupe Mountains, Palo Duro Canyon, Big Bend NP, Museum of the Pacific, Triple Tree Fly-in. The RV-7 ran great for all 61 hours. Enjoy.

Here is my route, followed by some teaser pictures.


Over the Badlands, South Dakota


Devils Tower, Wyoming


Cruising by the Sawtooth Mountains


Head of the Green River, Wyoming


Following the Green River through Wyoming and Utah


Green River, Dinosaur National Park

2 Week Flight Out West (continued)

Somewhere near Green River, Utah


Green River, north of Moab, Utah




Colorado River Salt Evaporation Ponds south of Moab


Colorado River approaching Lake Powell


P-3 Orions sit silently in the desert at the Davis-Monthan AFB Boneyard


White Sands National Park, Alamogordo, New Mexico


Palo Duro Canyon near Amarillo, Texas


Looking south at the Rio Grande River and Mexico


Looking south at Port Aransas and the Gulf Coast

Bill, I believe I had the pleasure of meeting you at Triple Tree. Thanks for the great photos, many of them bring back great memories of my flights out to ID, MT, and WY.
Great reading and pics Bill, thanks!

One glitch though; the Day 9, Part 1 page doesn't load the pics... or is it just me?
Nice. When you came down from green river lakes you were 2 minutes from my place. Shoulda stopped.
Outstanding trip report as usual. Your Santa Fe Trail and Lewis and Clark trip reports were great motivation for my recent CA - PA - CA trips.
So THIS is why

I need to finish this plane!

Great pics, looks like one heckuva trip.

Makes it hard to stick to the 10 year plan...
No Food

Vlad, I didn't think you'd be interested in this trip. Not much in the way of tasty food. Didn't have time. Had to keep movin!