Well Known Member
1) I was working on my -8 Hor Stab last night and was wondering. If I am installing electric elevator trim, do I still drill the 5/8 inch hole for the trim cable? The hole that I am talking about is on the left HS-702 piece.

2) When countersinking a piece like the HS-810-1. Do I countersink to the deapth of the rivet or the dimple of the other metal part (HS-702)? The flush rivet goes in trough 702 then 810-1. I did it to fit the dimple on 702. If that is wrong I guess I better call Vans and order a new piece.
Countersink to hold the dimple. Take a piece of scrap and drill/dimple it, then countersink until it sits flat in place. The dimple will hold the correct rivet size by default.

As for drilling the cable hole, I don't recall doing this. Obviously, there will still be wiring to run. If I remember correctly, there is a hole there that needs to be enlarged (?). I did not touch it, as I am using elictric trim as well.

Having fun yet? It's a blast isn't it?

I am having a blast. But I can see why it takes so long to build one of these things.