
Well Known Member

I'm trying to figure out my options for 2 lever quadrants.
So far, the best I have found are the deluxe Vans/FlyBoy/DJM 2 lever.

I would like to put a 2 lever in both the front and the back.
It will be Constant Speed, but the unique part is that the RV-8 will have FlyEFII fuel injection, so I don't need a mixture lever.

So unless I can find something else, I will have to try to find two blue CS knobs, and have a new top plate made (engraved and anodized).

Does anyone know of other (non-vernier) options for this setup?

Still talk with Dayton (DJM). He'll figure something out for you. For my bird, EFII with a fixed pitch, I'm doing a center console, so I only need a throttle-only center-mounting quadrant. A center console throttle-only doesn't exist in the normal catalog for Dayton. But he still figured something out. I imagine he (or you?) might suggest doing a 2-place, throttle and mixture, and just swap the mixture lever for a prop lever.
What happened?

I'm not sure what happened to the post from IronDawg, but I'm sure glad the VAF email system sent me his post before it went away.

I had completely missed the 2 lever Fadec quadrant from DJM. That was exactly what I was looking for, so thanks!