
Well Known Member

I am looking for a qualified person, to inspect Qty 2 AEIO-540-D4A5 engines I am considering buying for my RV-10 project. They are near Labelle FL and removed from the plane, and preserved with logbooks. No prop strike, just run-out. 2,600 TTSN and 1400 TTSO by Lycoming.

Can anyone suggest a person, an A&P or themselves to inspect and take pictures, boro-scope and assess the condition before I buy them and ship to BPE? I have been speaking with Rhonda at BPE and the buyer will not allow me to ship them for inspection even with full escrow and the buyer will not guarantee reparability, but they look good and the history is positive. Rhonda thinks so too.

Thank you
If they are going to be torn down anyway, a prebuy inspection won?t help
Much except to confirm that the pictures match the engines. A borescope inspection won?t tell you much, especially since the cylinders will be overhauled or replaced anyway.