Hi all RV-8ers,

Has anybody installed 2 Dynon Skyview 7" SV-D700 in there RV-8? Do they fit on the panel? Mounted vertically that is. Anybody got a photo or 2 and or advice about difficulties fitting then in or any comments about your satisfaction with that choice? In fact any feedback would be appreciated.

Thank from Oz,
2 skyviews

There us a -8A(in building process) at RTS that has 2 SV7s mounted vertically. There appears to be adequate room all around, audio panel, SL-40 and GTX 327 stacked vertically on lower left side, they sure look pretty lit up. Maybe the owner will read your post and send some photos. Dan
Good news.... :)

All this setup needs is the trig adsb from Dynon, a GTN750, blind audio, a VPX and some clever design.

Gerry will have a clean, simple safe and sexy as IFR machine.

Love to see some pics Gucci dude!
But I hate clean and simple!

However, clean and simple will give me plenty of room for all the round instruments and great big 1920's switches etc that I can find at the antique airplane shop. You cringing yet Dave? As you can see, you still have a job ahead to drag me screaming into the 21st century. Ha! :D
Thanks Dan.

Thanks Dan.
Sounds like it can be done. It would be great if somebody can come up with a pic or 2 however. Gerry.
I am planning on the same install. Budget allowing I'm going to have Stein Avionics do the install (with a couple other goodies ie 430W, Garmin mixer, some budget brand #2 radio). I'd give them a call.
Dual Skyviews, Side-by-side


Attached is a photo of a friend's side-by-side Skyviews in an RV-8. Email me off line if you would like to get his info and I'll ask if contact is OK.

Hope the photo comes through; first-time appender.
WOW Viperpilot, thats a sexy panel !
Are you going to used a dynon transponder also ?

Gerry : you now have the "go" to buy the dual 10" screens.... you know you want them !

See you at the field next time.
10" or 7"

Hey Jamie,

I agree that the 10" are very cool. I'll play with that idea. If the two 7" will mount vertically it would free up heaps of panel space for other toys. It may well be that this decision will have to be made earlier than I was originally planning as I have decided to go QB.

Workshop almost finished. I?ll give you a call when I am ready to go with the final shop fit out to get the benefit from your experience. I know that little things make a big difference ergonomically.

See you at the field sometime soon Jamie.

Aren't you meant to be CATIII ILS studying.......

Hurry up so we can bang some rivets and spend your money :D:D:D
I installed two Dynon 7" screens in my 8A. Looks great but I am not flying yet.
What I did was when I ordered the screens from Stein I had them check on their panel planer, the response I got was yes they will but you will need to get creative when you cut your panel. They do fit without extending the bottom of the panel but just barely. You also have to cut into the F-803C-1 and the F-803B-L/R up top.
I don?t have any pictures but if you are interested I will take a few and email them to you but you will have to post them on this site as I am smart box challenged.
Photos from Matt

Hi all,

Matt in Reno generously sent me these photos of the Dynon 7? installation in his RV-8A. Clearly it CAN be done which was the question/subject of this thread. Very neat and well considered installation Matt.

Thanks from downunder,








SWEET setup :)

That is what I have been envisioning for my cockpit, except I am leaning towards placing all the equipment on the right side where it is easier for me to manipulate.

I may have to copy this setup :)

Would one of the VP systems clean up a lot of those connections?
Be - e - a - utifil


That is a beautiful panel. Simple, easy to use, and with everything you need. I am sorry, but I plan to copy that when I get there.

Chances are by the time I get there, there will be HUD configurations, so it will all change anyway. But seriously - Very Nice!
Thanks Mike and Brian,

My mission will be day and night VFR with not very much night so I wanted a simple panel with redundancy. So two coms two GPS and Two screens should keep me out of trouble for any cross country I plan on.