Well Known Member
Okay, I've looked at so many switches & diagrams my head is swimming. I want to use a S700 2-10 switch (B&C) to operate my lights for either wig-wag or always on. The switch position & operation would be:

I found this: http://docs.rapidlibrary.com/document.php?file=48062&desc=Perhelion+Wig+Wag+and+2-10+Switch+.pdf

...which looks like what I'm looking for. Anybody recognize this?

Does the note: "2 of 4 diodes in a bridge rectifier or 2 schotkey assemblies" mean the use of a diode like B&C sells for E-Buss?....and the schotkey assemblies like Perihelion sells?
Would be the wig-wag module be like that which B&C sells?
Also, I'm using the stock 75w halogens Van's sells in the wingtips. Therefore, I don't 'think' I need the inrush limiters...right?

I know there are many ways to skin this cat, but my panel holes are drilled, placards have been engraved and I need to use the 2-10 switch.
I'm feeling pretty lame about this stuff right now. Any help would be highly appreciated.
Did that work for you, Brantel? If so, would you happen to have a wiring diagram?

edit: found the wiring diagrams in the documentation...
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Looks like $40-$45 for the solid state system Brantel suggested, and $28 for the B&C diode and wig-wag module. As mentioned, probably less current draw for the solid state model and a maybe less expensive switch. Neither system looks to be difficult to wire-up.

Could be a wash.
Yup... the flashers are available @ NAPA. Why would you want to tie yourself to the wiring and a solid state unit. The flasher is plug and play, and cheap. :) A Basic Diode, Flasher and a Switch... The diode can be purchased a Radio Shack.
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Wiring is required for both and it can use the same switch.

The SS one works when one bulb burns out, the relay flasher won't.

The SS one works with HIDs, the relay flasher would not when I tried it with HID's.

The SS one works with LEDs, there is not enough current on some LED's to drive the flasher relay. One can add load resistors to the circuit to make it work but that is not efficient.

The SS one won't wear out, at least not any time soon with normal operation. There are tons or reports of the flasher relay giving up the ghost.

The SS one has selectable flash patterns, to change the speed on the flasher relay, you have to perform surgery and change the timing circuit.

The SS one does not require a diode, the flasher relay requires the diode which always runs one side at a lower voltage than the other.
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You're trying to sell me on SS does not go bad or have issues? NOT. Been there and done that! :)

255 hrs here and still flashing...

I am not trying to sell anyone on anything. There is no reason to change if you are happy. I am only providing an alternative to the flasher relay to the original poster and others that may come along.

Of course there are occasional problems with anything man made.

The odds are that your relay flasher will die before the SS one will. There are tons of reports here in the archives of that thing crapping out after a few years. The history proves it will happen if you use it enough.

I have no idea how long the SS one will last but I am betting on a very long time.

I changed because the flasher relay would not work with my HID lights.
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I've been driving my 1997 diesel truck with the same flasher installed for 15 years and 239K miles without any issues. :)