Well Known Member
Yesterday evening I took my 2 1/2 year old son, Charlie, up in my RV-7 for the first time! As a father and professional pilot, there was nothing more rewarding than seeing the smile on his face! He has ridden with my wife and I in his car seat in the back of a C-182 on a few previous occasions but this was a completely different experience for both of us. My father and I spent 5 long years building the -7 and to now fly my son in an airplane I built is sure a special experience. :)
Over the course of the last several months, I've brought Charlie out to the hangar with me to tinker on the airplane so he could get familiar with it and identify it as ours. Then I started putting him in the right seat and securing the harness and turning on the panel so he could see it light up. Being only 2 1/2, I didn't want him to be able to play with the control stick so had to add an electrical connector where the right stick break is so that it could be completely removed. I also made some cushions to raise him up and forward in the seat. Last week I strapped him in and we taxi'd around the airport a little bit so I could gauge how well he would do. He loved it and said he wanted to go fly! I made him wait a couple more days just to be sure. Last night I strapped him in and skyward we went! I had planned to take-off and fly the pattern to an immediate landing but once we were on downwind I asked him if he wanted to keep going and he said YES so we ventured out a couple miles before heading back. On the drive home all he could talk about was flying in "dadda's airplane". Truly a special day for both of us!

Now I won't feel as bad leaving my wife and two kids at home when I want to go flying on the weekends. My wife will be thrilled for me to take Charlie to burn some 100LL with me :).





What a great way to spread the spirit! I was thinking VTO when I saw that first pic too. Incredible performance in these aircraft, but not that incredible. :D
Thanks for sharing Trevor. It brought a smile to my face. You have a lovely family and an awfully nice looking RV-7.


Building an RV-7A
paid up for 2016
So cool! And I'm glad to see your story made the front page today, Trevor. That's funny about your Dad, too. :D
What a great story. Trevor, thank you for sharing your story. It put an "RV Grin" on my face this morning and I haven't even left the house :D
Great story!...........I'm still waiting for clearance to take my grandkids for a ride :(! It may be a while cause daughter-in-laws are cautious about Paw Paw's home made plane!.....But I'm allowed to taxi with them so that's a step forward. :D
What blessing to be able to do that

What blessing to be able to do that :)
Our three grandchildren basically "grew up" in our RV10. The 8 year boy knows everything about the controls up front and gets some stick time every now and then. The two girls 6 and 4 often take their dolls with for a spin. I have even imported kiddies headsets for them.

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Very cool man! Can't wait to get my 2.5 year old boy up in my RV-7... of course he'll probably be closer to 3 or 3.5 by then since mine is still several months from flying status!
My daughter-in-law pretty much told us that my grandson will not be flying with Pop-Pop in the airplane. He is now 4 and we were just given permission to fly.
Tomorrow I am headed to Charleston to pick him up for a weekend visit. i hope his iPad battery will last a couple of hours.