
Well Known Member
On Sunday 4 June, around 17:45, I took off from Annecy, France (LFLP) with my RV-7 for the first time.

A small video:

What a machine!
Wind was almost calm, the air was cool and smooth.
After a thorough pre-flight check, a standard run-up at the holding point, I lined up on runway 22 and smoothly applied full power.
The acceleration was brisk, directional control very easy and responsive.
A soon as I lifted the tail I lost indicated airspeed. I decided to continue the takeoff instead of stopping at a relatively high speed in a plane that I didn't know yet and risking loosing directional control during the abort. I later traced the problem to inverted Pitot and AOA lines (stupid mistake during the build).
The airplane took off almost on itself, without any effort. I accelerated to 100 Kts groundspeed (GPS) and the climb rate was great.
I circled the aerodrome for about 10 minutes to make sure everything was fine. Left wing heavy, but easily controllable.
Then I flew west of the field for a bit of slower flight, and to check the flaps in landing configuration all based on GPS groundspeed (no IAS). All good...
Back to the airfield for landing. The wind was calm so the tower gave me the choice of Runway 04 or 22, I choose 04 as the approach path is less steep. Overhead the field at 120 Kts GPS, slowing down. 20° of flaps on downwind, full flaps on base leg, I passed the threshold at 75 Kts GPS and made my 1st kiss landing.
Back to the apron and when I opened the tip-up canopy I couldn't get rid of the RV grin!
And I think my wife was as happy as me...

The airplane flies great and is much easier than I thought. I have very limited experience with tailwheel, but that was really not a problem for this flight.
I flew without gear/wheel pants, and saw 150 Kts groundspeed. Wow...

My setup is:
RV-7, Tip-up
Serial number 73786.
Engine: IO-375-M1S
Prop: Whirlwind 200RV
Avionics: full Dynon Skyview (dual SV-D1000T, VHF, Transponder, Autopilot, EMS, etc), VP-X Sport.
Interior: Classic Aero Design.
Tail kit ordered in 2010...

I was born in Africa, and the name of my plane is "Pili-Pili" which is a small piment commonly found there.
Why Pili-Pili? Because this machine will "spice up my life"

Thank you very much Mr Vans to design such great machines, and to allow us to build and fly them.

And a BIG thanks to VAF and the great people here who answered my questions and helped more than once to solve some issues I had.

Best regards,

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Very nice, but I have to ask: Was the fire department standing by with lights on because they knew it was a first flight? ;)


Before the flight I went to the tower to tell them it was a first flight and about my plan (circle the field for the 1st 10-15 minutes then go a bit further for a few manoeuvres, and also told the fire brigade and they were standing by just in case...

Congratulations on the first flight! Also, very nice video.

I flew corporate jets for Michelin for many years. I absolutely loved flying in your beautiful country. I just can't imagine a better combination than a RV over the french countryside.
Bonjour Alain,

Very nice! I was in France on Monday but to far north in Saint-Omer to have witnessed it. :p

Are you planning to come to the RSA flyin in Vichy?

Bonjour Alain,

Very nice! I was in France on Monday but to far north in Saint-Omer to have witnessed it. :p

Are you planning to come to the RSA flyin in Vichy?


Not sure about the RSA fly-in, it will depend on my work schedule that I'll get on 15 June. If I'm in France then yes.
And I'll be at the Vans Club de France fly-in on 16-17-18 June in Roanne.
first flight

Nice work Alain! Good video and lovely country. Our son will visit Annecy in July. Enjoy phase one, have fun and fly safely.. Guillaume.
Bravo Alain

Bravo Alain pour ce premier vol
6 ans apr?s mon premier vol tu as mis en l'air un avion presque identique

6 ans apr?s c'est toujours ce meme bonheur de faire voler cet avion

profites en bien


frederic Laude (from Paris)