That's one excellent video! Thanks for posting Mike. Can you please share details on your camera mount?
Loved the roll...

Mike when I'm ready I'll get you to come over and 1st flight my -7. Great video, thanks for sharing it.
Go-Pro HD with standard suction mount 720p, 170 wide, with upside down mode switched on.

Yep, it was the first flight - I just got carried away with all the excitement and had to test the ailerons.......... :rolleyes:

The camera is excellent - I am hoping that the expansion slot will enable us to link into audio soon, but the normal sound is quite good. I overlaid some music afterwards and it blends quite well.

Here is some more using the same camera - a friend shot it not me !!!
Wonderful video Mike. You seem so casual and relaxed, obviously enjoying yourself. You're welcome to come and fly RV's in South Africa anytime.
This Snow has got to clear soon, My Rv-7 hasnt been out of the hanger for a week :mad:

Can not wait to get back into the air, maybe get some air to air shots for the forums all helps to spur on the builders....

I'm off to Berlin Wednesday and back Friday; So may get out next weekend give me a shout if you are about ?

Tip Up Right Choice For Me

I'm building a tip up 9A. Video highlights awesome view with a tip up.
Thanks, enjoyed it.
Alan Jackson
Hartselle, AL
1st fly

You're obviously an excellent pilot and did super videography as well. Sorry about snow and sub zero wx.
That was a well done video, Mike. I was surprised by your demeanor for the planes first flight, but maybe that?s just you. I?m always used to these test flights for first time planes with the pilots never cracking a smile (and for good reason).

Was this your plane or another?s that you were testing out for someone? You seemed quite familiar with the panel and plane.

With this video, it captures the acceleration quite well of just how fast these RV?s can get up to speed when viewed from the cockpit out showing also the ground, buildings and people going by. Too often, these videos have someone from outside showing the plane, and it just doesn?t give us the same perspective.

Thanks for sharing. I wish more videos would edit and do as well as job as this one.
To all who have posted - Thank You !!!

Our 7 has taken 6 years, not the quickest, not the slowest.

My Brother and I have had other projects along the way and got sidetracked from time to time, however the last 3 months has been pretty full on mainly due to Mark Browning beating us into the air......... :eek:

Yes, I was very familiar with the airplane prior to the first flight, for those who have followed other posts, the engine, electrics and prop were tested about 6 months ago. When we were complete, inspected and ready for flight, I did a couple of carefully prepped accel - stops, the reason was to bed in the brakes, familiarise myself with the acceleration, steering and systems - it threw up a minor fuel weep on a union and a couple of other minor snags which we attended to before the first flight.

I have given check rides on RV's before and am comfortable how they handle, I am a 15,000 hour commercial Captain, however that kinda means jack because that is mainly reading the newspaper, drinking tea and telling lies and tall stories....

None the less - that Wednesday was something special.

Sadly, I had lost a good friend - Mike Todd, Air Canada and Skyservice Captain a couple of days before. Mike followed the build, he was passionate about flying, a consummate professional and a good friend. Hence the reference prior to the take off.

The take off was very straightforward - the wiggle was just me making sure things were attached and no funny noises.

Couple of things - No 4 CHT ran a bit warm, around 420, the oil pressure was a bit high prior to take off, about 95psi and the oil temp never got over 160.

However - Oh Boy, Mr Vangrunsven - you make a sweet airplane !

It did exactly what I was expecting, it flew, true and straight.

After the first few minutes, all was well and I figured I had to make sure the ailerons were OK............. They were :D:D

Stalls - no problem, even with full flap which is the third one.

Low approach and go around may have been a little fast but I now know that the airplane is quite slippery :rolleyes:

Final approach was on the money - 65kts down the slope to a typical RV skip landing.

We managed 6 fights in the day, we have now blanked most of the oil cooler and the CHT is lower and the oil temp is higher. We are in winter here with temperatures in the 50' and below.

Now it is wait time - we had a foot of snow last week , I am just back from 2 days in Barbados where there was less snow than at home - well, the frosty sort at least.

The comments made on this thread really show what a magical and unique fellowship we have and share.

Biggest thanks go to:

Dan Checkoway - such a resource, thank you

Walter Tondu - your dirty Martini's gave me the worst hangover I ever had, however the Japanese was awesome and the flying great.

Dan Horton - well, just for being there and providing such good advice.

Doug someone.... he does a website I think - kinda good, not bad for an amateur.

Mahlon at Mattituck - for answering all the dumb questions we sent.

My Brother - because we built an awesome airplane.

OK - enough, my RV8 kit has left the factory, I will be busy by January and I have some flying to do.

Gents (and Ladies) - Thank You

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Nice job, and congratulations.
Don't let that "other thread" get you down, as I have learned that no good video deed goes unpunished here on VAF!!!!;)
Best regards,

P.S. send my regards to David DeRidder
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Awsome post and video. I hope for first flight in April on my 7A.......the anticipation builds! Please post if you find a way to connect up the headphone audio.

I have followed Mark Brownings build on and off (Mainly off) over the past two years and he has given me some real inspiration to get started.

Seeing you vid, has just added to that. When the weather improves I want to come up to Sherburn and see marks -7 once again, I would like to meet up with you if you are around. Thanks for a brilliant video.

Best regards

Simon Ring:)
Congrats on your first flight! I've heard of a lot of people using this Go-Pro camera so after watching your great quality video, I just ordered one!

You did a real nice job:D
Yorkshire Puddings all round!

Congratulations Mike, I'm hoping that mine will be the 3rd newest RV7 in Yorkshire this year (well early 2011 is good enough!). If I could get myself out of the workshope I'd pop up to Breighton !

See you soon

Martin O'Hearne :)