Weather for this weekend looks excellent. Hope to see some 12's at Jamestown on Saturday for their 1st annual RV fly-in. This will be my longest XC to date in the 12. Flight planning for 7,500 MSL to confirm Van's published performance specs.
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Will be a great weekend for this fly-in. A few of us from the KPYM area will be attending.

Who else is going?
Jamestown fly in

My son and I plan on attending. We'll be direct from KLHV (lock haven, pa).

Jim Diehl
LOck Haven, Pa
I'm building a 9A in Jamestown and can't believe I'm going to miss this. I'm in Daytona this weekend taking my son to college. Oh well maybe next year.
Did anyone take any pictures that they would like to post?

No, too busy talking to everyone. Weather was perfect, about two dozen planes lined the perimeter of the ramp, good food, nice people. Only one other 12 besides mine. Doing it again next year...
Jim, What kind of performance numbers did you see on your flight?

We saw 115 mph IAS and 130 TAS @ 7500' and 5200 RPM. Fuel flow slightly less than 5 GPH as measured by sticking the tank on return Vs. Hobbs. D-180 showed 4.8 GPH at the steady state listed above.

About 350# of people, 17 gallons fuel, and 15# baggage. Wheel pants installed. Smooth ride...