
Active Member
I always appreciated it when someone else did this, so I'll try to reciprocate.

Paint: Holding up well. The green is NAPA Crossfire 15210 etch filler. Hey, goes well with the John Deere Yellow. Since this stuff is porous, I have noticed that there is oily stuff around some rivets and skin overlaps. I did not scrub the QB fuselage and wings with soap and water when they arrived (like some smarter folks did) and I believe this is some of the "WD-40" that Vans coats the QB's with leaching out of these areas. Doesn't hurt this stuff, but if I had used expensive paint I'd be upset. Be sure you clean thoroughly before painting.

Heavy left wing (doesn't everyone have this?). Squeezing the light wing aileron trailing edge worked like a champ. Be careful. I was surprised at how little it took to fix the problem.

Weeping rivet on top of fuel tank. Try OYL TITE. Given to me by a fuel tank specialist who works on comercial jets. Crayon kind of thing you rub around the offending rivet. Go figure.

Noise and resonance. Found contact points around the baffling/alternator against the cowling (thanks Dan). Also had the rear of the canopy skirt buzzing. Reached around behind me and turned off the passenger vent and it quit. Hmmmmm. Used sticky-backed moleskin around the inside of the skirt.

Catto prop is performing well. No complaints. I've seen 2000fpm climbs and 180k true at 75%. Not always.. The air around here has been choppy with a lot of thermal activity, so climb data has been very inconsistent.

Grove airfoil gear. I don't know what the steel gear is like, but with the Groves, wheel landings stick like you're on velcro. No bouncy stuff.

GRT avionics with XM wx. WOW. Good stuff.

I use the ICOM A200 built in intercom. I like it. (of course I've only talked to myself so far). Hot/cold mic switch and PTT button on the throttle. I just don't like VOX circuits.

Acro has been very straight forward. Yep, I've cleaned the belly off a few times figuring out which maneuvers don't work well without inverted systems, but it is amazing what the ship will do with 3 G's (good thing cause I'm gettin' old).

The folks at Classic aero designs did my seats (leather) and I couldn't be happier. I also have the Bell tailwheel and it is performing very well.

I sincerely belive that this project has been successful in a large part to all of you. I have gained immeasurable amounts of useful information by checking in daily to these forums. Thanks Doug and thanks to all of you for sharing your information.

... see ya out there.
Keep on

Hi Chuck,
Keep on keepin' on. Have all the time flown off for our November get-together Low-Country boil/gathering here. I'm at 2J3, a hop, skip and a jump from Tennessee.

...I'll work on it Pierre. Look for me in the break.

Marshall, I kept a picture of your airplane on my computer as an inspiration. Your paint job is dazzling. Some day I hope to get over to Grady's and get him to redo mine (with real paint and professionally done).

Great report Chuck - just wait till you find out all of the things the GRT will do! You'll wonder why the airplane even needs you along....;)

Thanks Paul, and Happy Birthday! Your reports on the Dual GRT have been very useful. I'm still using Ver 27 I think. I plan on inputting the newest version soon... been too busy doin' other stuff.

... keep the reports comming.