

My new job required me to leave the Paradise of Texas, (no state income tax, mild weather) for the upper Midwest. Now that the weather is improving, I wanted to fly my RV-4 up from Texas. Unfortunately relocating the plane will require paying the Use TAX. The state requires me to determine the cost to build my aircraft to evaluate the Use Tax rate.

?For an aircraft which was assembled and no established manufacturer?s list price exists, the cost of the aircraft kit and any additional parts will be used to determine the list price. The fee schedule shown above will be used to determine the registration fee for home-built aircraft.?

So does anyone know what a RV-4 would be expected to cost to build in 1992 dollars? Where I might get paperwork proving that cost to keep the TAX man happy?
Don't know if it will help, but as a reference: My RV-6 first flew in May of 1993 for $28,000. This included a complete day/night VFR panel with 1 com, intercom, Loran C, mode C transponder, attitude and directional gyros, nav, strobe, landing and taxi lights, dual brakes, a high time O-320 with a Warnke wood prop. Instruments were OHC, avionics all new. Paint and "US of Texas" decals were added later. RV-4 should be slightly less.
Sorry you had to leave Texas. Must be quite of a job!
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Statuate of Limitations for Taxes in Texas

From personal experience....it's four (4) years in Texas. I completed my RV6A in '03.....they contaced me in '07. Four years and a few months after the certification date in '03. They were very up-front and told me of the four year statuate of limitations to pay the tax if I could verify all the dates. I did, wrote them a letter and that was the last I heard from them....

If you sell a plane in Texas there are no taxes to be paid. You can actually sell two (2) planes without a tax liability. The only thing they like you to do is fill out a "friendly" form that lets them know that you sold it and the price you received.....there's got to be some kind of catch with that last one.

Good Luck,
I have a flyer from February 1990, the basic kit price was $8040.00, there weren't many options then, perhaps $1K for a Phlogiston spar was about the only one, although the Info Pack was another $8! Van's were advising spending $5K for a used engine. The flyer says "Just about everything needed except the Engine, Prop, Instruments & Tires" - and perhaps the paint also.

kit price list

I'd find a copy of the kit price list and use that as the total pice. I don't think the tax guy cares what you send 'em and won't investigate any further.
2002 Cost

I got mine flying in 2002 for a total cost including everything of $27000. I bought the kit originally in 1987?! It had a high time engine ($7500) basic VFR, a Garmin 195 mounted in the panel, and Vans guages. Also it had an SL-40 com and a gtx 327 xponder, both new. Strobes on and nav lights on both tips, and a wood prop.

Good luck. I HATE taxes.
1992 Cost

I started my RV-4 in 1987. First flight was in Jan 1992. Total cost without paint was $16,250. The 1987 kit price was $6750 and I found a 1550 hr used engine in a salvage yard for $2750. I planned to overhaul the engine, but couldn't find anything wrong with it, so I painted it and put it on. I got 600 more hours out of it before overhauling it. I have a Sturba prop that cost $340 in 1991. I may still have a copy of the add listing the kit for $6750.

Back in the day...

I bought my RV4 tail kit in the early 90's for $390, total kit cost was $6900 give or take a few bucks. I finished in 96' for $25K with a used 0-320 and wood prop.
Proof is the key word and remember your airplane resides wherever "you say it does" and for how long. If you still own property in TX, you may owe them nothing...

Good luck!

Experience hath shown, that even under the best forms of government those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny.
Thomas Jefferson
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