I cant give you anything more than in impression...but over the years here, I have seen many RV-3โ€™s advertised, sold....and then the same airplane is sold again a year later. I doubt anyone is making any money on these, and are probably โ€œlosingโ€ about as much as a yearโ€™s fun is worth!

But they do seem to sell, if they are reasonably airworthy.
That was my (novice) impression. Not looking to make money off of it, just fly an honest plane and hopefully break even or a little less than that.

Beats trying to rent a 172!
Do it

Depending on the cost you are spending, in general RV-3s are selling for not much more than the engine/prop is worth. That being said, in the last year I have helped two friends buy RV-3s because it was the proper airplane for their ?mission? after some careful soul searching. And all I can assure you is this, the smiles per hour are worth whatever small loss you may have when it is your time to sell. Ferrying home to the new owner his ?new? RV-3 after doing the pre-buy made me realize why Richard Van himself always said the RV-3 is his best flying aircraft, then the RV-4. You don?t get in it, you put it on and you get that Walter Mitty moment on every flight. But, it is a single seater. And that is it?s best attribute, just you and your plane, because it?s a single seater๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
Every A/C boils down to having just two main requirements, mission and cost.
Apart from the trade offs that every A/C has it can be grouped in to the above.
I have an 8 as well as a single seat Corby, both have two different missions in my mind. I love my 8, it's fast, goes places, is nicely equiped for 2 but seeing as I fly 95% solo it made sense to buy a single seater, trouble is I couldn't let the love of my life go:)

Rv3 had some spar issues be careful if upgrades are made no problem . A 3b with new spar design hard to find and will cost more .it took 2years to find a good one and not inexpensive.best handling of all the rvs I flown.:)