
Well Known Member
Add another flying RV-12 to the list. N391MQ took to the skies for the first time recently. As has been noted by others it flies very well. I am also having the same issue with Northwest weather that others have noticed and will have to wait to get the clouds high enough to finish the testing. Things will be largely on hold this week for the Fly-In anyway. Pictures can be seen here

Congratulations on your first flight! I'm sure you'll be having a blast now that you're flying. Weather at Arlington this evening was awesome for a flight as well. I expect to see you in the pattern soon.
Add another flying RV-12 to the list. N391MQ took to the skies for the first time recently. As has been noted by others it flies very well. QUOTE]

Congrats Steve! I enjoyed your pictures and 1st flight wright up. I wouldn't worry too much about that "left wing heavy". My 6A was (or so I thought) left wing heavy for the 1st 40 hours. When I finally got another "grown man" in the plane on the right side, presto straight as an arrow! Turned out the problem was just my fat a** in the left seat.

Good Luck and ENJOY!
How does it compare...

to the Tecnam Sierra you mention in your write-up?

I'm very interested by this fact, because I try to convince my flight club to build a -12 but we don't yet have flying examples in Europe.
However, the club owns a Tecnam Sierra (aka P2002) and it would be kind of you if you could describe the difference you found between the -12 and the Sierra.

Many thanks in advance, and congrats for your nice plane.
Add another flying RV-12 to the list. N391MQ took to the skies for the first time recently. ... Pictures can be seen here

Congratulations on your first flight, Steve!

From your website it looks like the date of your first flight was 19 June 2010. Is that correct?

Your photos on your website are great! Could you send me larger versions of two of them, for the RV-12 First Flights: Photo Album? The close-up of you in your plane; and the full view of your plane, about 1/4 view off the nose. 100-200 KB or 600 - 800 pixels is about right. Or, you can just attach your original photos to an email to me at [email protected] I can size them for the Photo Album.


Blows the Tecnam out of the water...

The comparison of the RV-12 to the Tecnam Sierra is roughly analogous to comparing a Porsche to a Ford Pick up. They both get the job done, but one is way more fun.

Actually, the RV-12 and the Tecnam Sierra are very comparable. The speeds are similar and the maneuverability is similar. The difference is that the RV-12 is an RV. The controls are lighter and feeler more balanced in all axes. The -12 climbs faster and glides about the same. I personally prefer the manual flaps to electric flaps.

Once one flies an RV-12 he would not be at all happy to go back to the Tecnam, in my opinion, of course.
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Thanks Steve

The comparison of the RV-12 to the Tecnam Sierra is roughly analogous to comparing a Porsche to a Ford Pick up. They both get the job done, but one is way more fun.

Actually, the RV-12 and the Tecnam Sierra are very comparable. The speeds are similar and the maneuverability is similar. The difference is that the RV-12 is an RV. The controls are lighter and feeler more balanced in all axes. The -12 climbs faster and glides about the same. I personally prefer the manual flaps to electric flaps.

Once one flies an RV-12 he would not be at all happy to go back to the Tecnam, in my opinion, of course.

This will now be translated in French with just a little bit of exaggeration :D and sent to my fellow board members. I think you call this exercise "lobbying", don't you?

Thanks again.
Congratulations and

Be careful with your new toy - I love the red tail feathers and believe that 'red' makes any RV fly at least 5 knots faster than white, etc.;)