
“Machine countersink the 5 screw holes in the T-0006–L attach bracket to fit a piece of aluminum that has been dimpled for a #8 flush head screw.”

Since the nut plates are already installed, I’m thinking to follow the same procedure used in countersinking the main spar that already had nut plates in place. Step 13-03 step 5 has you use a #30 cutter so that it centers in the nut plate. Is that the appropriate procedure? I can’t think of any other way to do it.
Yes, that’s the way I did it. Worked fine. From section 5,
“When countersinking for a #8 (or larger) screw, the countersink cutter is removing so much material that it can easily "chatter" resulting in a rough surface finish and an out-of-round countersink. A good process for obtaining a smooth finish is to set the microstop countersink tool .005 inch short of the final depth, make the first cut at a slow speed applying heavy pressure, readjust the microstop to the final depth, and make the final cut at high speed applying light pressure.”