
Well Known Member
I had some riveting to finish on the fuse that required two people. My 16 year old daughter used the rivet gun for 4 hours this morning. She was a trooper and is quite good with the gun. Not sure if the photo will work but my wife snapped it. I am in the tail cone!


Great work John! About the only time I can get my 16yo daughter to even come down to the workshop is when she needs something from me!

Yours will feel really proud to have helped you with these critical tasks, and will be able point out to her friends the rivets she drove. Very cool.
My daughters helped with many task in my 7 1/2 year build including lots of rivet driving and bucking. Sometimes they would shed tears over getting pinched or my demands for the perfect shop head. I couldn't have built my 8 without them. They are both now in college one a freshman and the other a junior so I don't get to spend much time with them anymore. I have a few more hours in phase 1 then I can take them for a ride and let them fly it. The other day my youngest daughter told me see missed our time in the shop together. I miss it too.

Samantha is the best!

Niece Sam has learned how to rivet on my RV-8 wing. Couldn't have gotten this far without her. One more bottom skin to go.

I have a 10 month old little girl, which we are brainwashing with aviation stuff :)

I am about to finish up on my empennage, so I don't think she will be quite old enough to enjoy working with me on any part of this particular RV-7 build, but I am already considering building an RV-10 after the 7 is done. That would be about the right age for her to work with me.
Don't be so sure! My 16 year old was 6 when I started the tail.:eek:

Yes this is a very slow build. My kids think everyone has an airplane in the garage.:D
Some of my best memories are when I built things with my kids. Sail boats to houses - great memories. My kids are all grown now so they don't get to work on the plane. I should have started sooner.

In this story, the big think is how the OP was able to crawl into the tail cone. That space is strictly a place my grandson goes if anything is needed there!!
Wait, aren't the young, flexible kids the ones that are supposed to go in the tail cone and under the instrument panel?:D Congrats!
Wait, aren't the young, flexible kids the ones that are supposed to go in the tail cone and under the instrument panel?

That what I thought. May dad always stuffed me down the tail cone. :p

Starting at 4 years old with "don't rivet here" marks! Also learning to count to 100 with clekos :D
My adorable granddaughter, Maya, seen here at age 6, was so eager to come out in the shop whenever I was working. She insisted on handling every tool and wanted to be hands-on with everything. She would have run the rivet gun if I had let her, but she was just a bit too young at that point. I let her hold tools, hand me rivets, and do whatever else I could safely delegate to her. She's almost a teenager now, but doesn't live with us anymore. I miss those days!
