tadpole rider

Active Member
My version of the plans (7/12/11) for page 15-02, step 9, show one nutplate installed in to the upper position on both W-1208 R&L nose ribs.
But, on page 15-15 (01/15/09) Figure 1 indicates using the nose rib with 3 attached nutplates in the first inboard position.
And a similar indication for the right wing on page 15-07 (04/02/08) calling for the nose rib with 3 attached nut plates in the inboard position.
I can't find where it shows installing the three nutplates on each of those ribs.
Is this simply the older versions not being brought up-to-date with the newer page 15-02?
Clarification is appreciated.
My page 15-02 is Revision 0 dated 04/02/2008. Step 9 shows installing 3 nutplates on each of two W-1208 ribs. I could not find a revised page 15-02 on Van's website. What revision number is your page 15-02?
Joe Gores

Just went through that a couple of weeks ago. A call to Van?s revealed they have not been updating the drawings quick enough when changes in other areas have been made.

In a nut shell, if you have the newer blue 8 pin AMP electrical connector your ?printed? instructions are to rivet one nut plate onto the W-1208 nose ribs which is what you want to do ? (it is for the wing's electrical ground). However, the drawing on my plans shows the call out for the three nut plates you are referring to ? which I believe is left over from the old style electrical connector block. I too looked at the right wing drawings and also saw the three nut plate reference there as well, which is what prompted my call to Van?s.

Hope this helps you out-

dues paid until summer