
Well Known Member
I surpassed it today! I wasn't sure I'd get there, but as I updated my build log for today, I realized that somewhere in the 30 rivets set on the firewall cover, the 15,000th rivet was set!


A note about the cover...since I have the long engine mount, my oil filter won't need the recess, so I chose to put a SS plate in place of the recess, and add a personal touch to it!


Still a little riveting to go...:cool:

That cover plate is very cool! I wish I had thought of that.

To hear the -7 has 15,000+ rivets makes me wonder how many more the -9 has in it.

Some time back someone posted that the -9 was easier to build than the -7 for some obscure reason and was quickly jumped on. Although the -9 has longer wings and HS, the build process is the same but I do suspect (know) the -9 has more rivets because of the longer parts.

Thanks for keeping count!
Engine mount should be a light color.

Chad, I wouldn't change it now. After all, mine is black, as used to be the standard. Over the years, however, we have found that a white or light colored engine mount is easier to inspect for cracks. Cracks are much more difficult to detect on a dark colored mount.
Hey Mel,

We talked about this at work with our A&P's, and although white, or something really light is the best, they all thought that my red mount is *bright* enough to show any flaws down the road. Although, it could be argued that mounts should not be powdercoated at all because sometimes a crack won't be seen at all underneath...even a white mount could hide them...
I agree. And I don't recommend powdercoat for engine mounts. My comment was directed more toward newbies who might not be aware of the differences.
Did you really count?

Or did rainman visit the shop? :) I thought I heard there were around 22k rivets at one point. That could have been for the -6.
Do you count the ones you have to drill out as one or two?:D
I was initially counting the rivets on my RV10. But I was drilling out a few & gave up counting.:eek:

Marshall Alexander
RV10 N781DM
fuse/inst. panel


I was reluctant to put something up to challenge "Weathervane" as it was so perfect to begin with :cool:
