
Well Known Member
Ok, I'm just thinking this over at this point. I have completed the tail cone (plans section 10) as a tri-gear and I'm thinking about changing my mind. Looking at the plans, from what I can tell, it looks do-able but I've got some questions.

First things first, the tie down bracket needs to be removed:

Then some 1/4 inch holes to drill in the HS brackets and the second bulkhead

And some modifications to the tail cone skin

And a different hole is used on the bottom of the VS mounting.

This is where my questions start
  1. Any concerns with strength of the VS mounting since I've already final drilled the two holes? The middle hole pilot is there and I don't think it should be a problem as long as the holes are clean with no burs but does anyone disagree?
  2. is it possible to insert the the U-00018 Tailwheel Spring Bracket into the square hole on the F-1414 Aft Deck or would I have to remove close to 100 rivets to take off the aft bottom piece skin? Or is there another way?
  3. What else am I not thinking of?
The stab mounting will be fine.
You will not be able to get the tail spring weldment in without doing enough disassembly to get the aft most bulkhead out.
Other than that it should be totally doable.
Thanks Scott. I think I'll go stare at those rivets a while and decide if I feel up to taking them out.
My suggestion is that you ignore what ever work would be involved, and focus one what airplane you think you really want. In the grand scheme of building an RV, a little bit of back tracking work will seem totally insignificant by the time you are done.

I realize the decision can be difficult.
Often times there is peer pressure to "build a real airplane".
It is always frustrating to see those that need to pump up there ego, push that thinking on others (I better be careful.... probably offending someone.... whats new ;))

Main point....
Do some things that will help you decide.
Maybe get a couple hrs of dual in a tail dragger if you don't have any TW time.
Considering the all up cost of your airplane, the cost of some dual is nothing and can tell you a lot about which way you should go.

I own an RV-6A but I fly all the models. I don't feel any less a pilot when I am flying one of the trigear airplanes. You, or anyone else shouldn't either so hopefully that will not be part of your decision process.
Do it because you think you will enjoy it more, and look fwd to the additional challenge it can provide at times.

Which ever way you chose to go, you will end up with an airplane whos performance is beyond imaginable for those that have only flown the typical certified airplanes.