Lots of people have an Archer nav in their wingtip. Reports vary from 'almost as good' as an external dipole V, to 'noticeably worse'. I'm in the 'works well, I'm happy' group. At least some of the 'poor' reports came from installations that did not follow the directions. I saw one that grounded the radiator and used the ground leg as the antenna!!
Is anyone using a NAV antenna installed in their wingtip? I'd rather not mount one externally.


Run a search using "archer" as the key and you will see many threads discussing the wingtip nav antenna.

Mine works very nicely.
My wingtip-mounted Archer nav antenna works just great. It's feeding the nav radio on a Garmin GNS480, and just last week returning from New Orleans on a long x/c I just smiled as I had no trouble locking on a VOR radial from over 85NM away at 6500' MSL (about 5000' AGL over some flat Kansas and Oklahoma terrain).