You'll definitely need a dome and a fairing. No reason you can't design your owm, but I'm helping to develop an stc'd version (not that it matters for experimental)

Stay tuned to for more info.

Here's some sample footage:

It would be helpful if you could share some of the challenges of a non-domed gimbal. Do the aerodynamic forces overpower the static holding torque of the positioning motors? Or is the structure just not sturdy enough?
In my experince the random combinations of airspeed and airframe vibrations produced consiberable "jello effect". Eliminating or reducing one of those factors helps to minimize the chances of poor video. I addressed it (no gimbal) with a brace against the camera. A dome would help that as well.
Do you have a display rigged inside the cockpit so that you can see what it is you are filming?
I can't wait to hear of someone using the new Removu S1. Not sure they are out in the public's hands yet, but the initial videos are impressive.

My Drift mounted to an inspection plate produced virtually no "jello" effect. When mounted to the wingtip screws there was some "jello" effect at one brief speed on final.

The ability to aim a camera to various views during flight will produce some amazing videos.
I can't wait to hear of someone using the new Removu S1. Not sure they are out in the public's hands yet, but the initial videos are impressive.

My Drift mounted to an inspection plate produced virtually no "jello" effect. When mounted to the wingtip screws there was some "jello" effect at one brief speed on final.

The ability to aim a camera to various views during flight will produce some amazing videos.

That thing looks BA!