dtw- your valves look good. However, don't your cylinder walls look a bit scored?
The resolution or focus is not great and I think I can still see some of the cross-hatching, which is good, but there is evidence of vertical striations.
You didn't state total time on cylinders, and this may be normal for an older engine. My guess, so long as no significant compression or oil issues, nothing to worry about.
Any engine expert comments....?
not as easy as it looks!

I have the same 'scope.....and found even playing with the intensity, it was hard to get good cylinder shots , there is so much reflection off the shiny walls!
....and the focal length seems a bit harder to nail down than pointing at one spot, like a valve.
overall it's good, but I need more practice. Sometimes it helps to have another person to snap the pic.
I wish the scope had a shutter button on it like my other el cheapo one.

....or am I missing something? :confused:
dtw- your valves look good. However, don't your cylinder walls look a bit scored?
The resolution or focus is not great and I think I can still see some of the cross-hatching, which is good, but there is evidence of vertical striations.
You didn't state total time on cylinders, and this may be normal for an older engine. My guess, so long as no significant compression or oil issues, nothing to worry about.
Any engine expert comments....?

+1 it does appear to have some light scoring, but it seems to be above the top ring turnaround position. . . meaning it is probably carbon scoring from the top land. Not unusual, and my guess is like your guess.

Kinda hard to tell all this without good reference points, so nothing to get worked up about.