
Well Known Member
...40 to 60 degree left cross wind.

I should not have been flying yesterday but had a commitment with some guys at a Young Eagles event 40 miles from here and decided to keep it. My job was not all that important, cooking the hot dogs, but it was a reason to fly so off I went.

The wind has been out of the northeast here for a week with that huge high over NE Canada. Its been cool, cloudy and gusty every day by noon. It is a part of the mess on the east coast that won't go away, its still raining this morning in South Carolina.

The wind picked up by noon and I considered parking the 8 and begging a ride home with one to the guys in his pick up but what the heck, Columbus took a chance and look what happened. The plan was to use 20 flaps, 10 knots more speed than normal and ask for the wide runway (100') at Spirit.

Much to my relief, it all worked out. Wheel landed left wing low at 70 knots, let is slowly slow down staying reasonably straight with rudder, lowered the tail and got on tail wheel steering. The wind may have calmed a bit just as all this happened but still was somewhat of a challenge with the constantly changing velocity and direction.

It is risky, landing and taking off a tail dragger. I never thought about it with the 7A or any other trike but the tail wheel operation is a full time job. On the first take off the nose really took off to the left because I was not paying close attention outside checking the engine parameters, the A/F ratio gage in particular for Dan Horton.

The operation requires full attention especially when the wind is misbehaving. I am thinking of removing that gage so as to not have to look at its unreliable data. :)
It is risky taking off and landing ANY airplane, and it should always have our full attention. Of course the reality is that we adapt and become comfortable with what was once considered a challenge. I remember struggling with the round out and flare in my early training in a 172. It seems laughable now. Today I routinely land on a short narrow runway in gusty crosswinds that have me stirring the stick like I'm making a giant batch of pancake batter. That's really something considering these are airplanes that typically only require pressure...

Keep at it and a year from now you will look at this latest flight with amusement.
You mention Spirit as your "big" runway option... are you 1H0? The other fun of gusty winds there is slightly elevated TDZ on 34. Of course if your tail dragging you've got the grass....

Been abut 4 years since I operated out of Creve Coeur routinely. Good little spot!
You mention Spirit as your "big" runway option... are you 1H0? The other fun of gusty winds there is slightly elevated TDZ on 34. Of course if your tail dragging you've got the grass....

Been abut 4 years since I operated out of Creve Coeur routinely. Good little spot!

I am at KSUS (Spirit) Rob. Creve Coeur is about 5 miles east along the river as you know.

Lots of old airplanes at 1H0. Great place to visit for a private hangar tour if it can be arranged with the owner.
great practice

As a CFI-I, I think what you did makes you a better pilot. I avoid thunderstorms like the plague. A windy day on the other hand, is great fun and it keeps the controls moving rapidly. When you lose that feel for "dancing" with your airplane.... it will bite you. The problem then is, you feel really bad and the plane just doesn't care. Darn.
As a CFI-I, I think what you did makes you a better pilot. I avoid thunderstorms like the plague. A windy day on the other hand, is great fun and it keeps the controls moving rapidly. When you lose that feel for "dancing" with your airplane.... it will bite you. The problem then is, you feel really bad and the plane just doesn't care. Darn.

One step at a time, just about 100 hours TW time now and it is coming together.

Have a friend who advocates the key to happy old age is learning something new everyday, don't stagnate, go out an do it, anything to keep the mind active. I was very concerned a year ago about feeling comfortable in the 8, but no more. I will never be in the same league as you cookie guys doing your stuff while chumping down a snack inverted, but I don't sweat the wind like in the beginning.

Great video with the Oreos Ron, I enjoyed it thoroughly!!