
Well Known Member
Just now getting ready to start on the Finish Kit.

Starts out nicely Section 38: Canopy and Window and on through to Section 42: Miscellanea.

Then the next is Section 45: Cowling.

I am using the instruction set sent with the Finish Kit. Nice red single page IMPORTANT INFORMATION! PLEASE READ! sheet but no mention of status of Sections 43 and 44. What up?
43 and 44 are the engine and prop installation sections respectively.

Do you have your engine and prop? I think those pages came with the FF kit but I don't remember. Regardless, the latest revisions of both those sections are on Van's site and can be downloaded if you need them.
And since much of Sec 45 Cowl requires the engine and prop to be mounted, this may be waiting until in sequence.