
Well Known Member
That step says: "Rivet the inboard most W-1206K Attach Angle, which comes attached to the right spar assembly to W-1206B Spar Stub Double as shown in Fig. 2" - but it doesn't say which side of the W12-6K to rivet the spar stub double to, inboard, or outboard side - or perhaps it doesn't make any difference? Drawing cannot be used to determine which side to rivet the doubler to.

Your thoughts?
That step says: "Rivet the inboard most W-1206K Attach Angle, which comes attached to the right spar assembly to W-1206B Spar Stub Double as shown in Fig. 2" - but it doesn't say which side of the W12-6K to rivet the spar stub double to, inboard, or outboard side - or perhaps it doesn't make any difference? Drawing cannot be used to determine which side to rivet the doubler to.

Your thoughts?

John F.

For the life of me I can't find that instruction on Page 13-02. Check and see if you are referring to the correct page and step. I will be glad to try and help you, since I have recently completed that section, but need to be able to refer to the correct page.

I'm pretty sure it DOES make a difference, so make sure you understand it before you rivet!

John P.
My typo

Its 13 03 step 2...there are two separate instructions in step 2, and the part that is unclear to me is the second instruction in step 2...sorry about the typo but if you can help I would appreciate it.

My mistake AGAIN !!

darn I have got to learn to type

Its 13 03 step 3 in the second part of that instruction

I looked at the W-1206K on my wing. It has been awhile since I built the wings and do not remember all of the part numbers. If I am looking at the plans correctly, the W-1206K is already riveted to the W-1206B Spar Stub Doubler with two solid rivets, one on the top and one on the bottom. So there is no decision to make as to what side, because it is already riveted in place. All you have to do is put in 4 more rivets between the two existing ones. Notice that there is a hollow space behind the Spar Doubler that leaves room for the blind rivets to expand. Perhaps you confused the Rib Doubler with the Spar Doubler. Or am I misunderstanding your question?
John F.,

It's been a while since I did that step, but my right wing is still on the workbench. I think I remember taking a while to figure it out myself. I will have a look at it in the morning and see if I can figure out where the confusion lies.

John P.

Yes, are right that W1206K is already riveted to the spar with two rivets already...but the instructions say to rivet the spar stub doubler to that you have to attach another piece to that one...the question is which side? Inboard side or outboard side? Maybe it doesn't make any difference, but I suspect it might. It seems that it would affect the way the rib at that location fits or gets canted because of the piece to riveted to the already part W1206K.

re: clarification

It has been quite some time since I performed this step (last July). However, I looked back the plans. You do not attach another piece to this angle- the doubler they are referring to is the main spar doubler it is already riveted to. As Joe has indicated, the instructions are merely telling you to install rivets in the remaining holes (and Figure 2 shows where those rivets go and what type they are).

I just checked my right wing, and re-read all the instructions for that area. In the step you are referring to, all you are doing is adding four LP4-3 rivets to the assembly. They already fastened the W-1206K to the W-1206B back at the factory with the two outside rivets. You are just adding the other four. If you read ahead to Page 15-06 Figure 2 you will see a nice clear blowup of how the rib and doubler will eventually be attached to the most inboard attach angle. Note that the rib itself is sandwhiched between the doubler and the attach angle.

I think part of your confusion could be stemming from Figure 2 on Page 13-02, where the W-1210B-R Rib Doubler is mislabled on the drawing, where it is mistakenly called a W-1206B-R. That is wrong, check the text directly above the drawing. I brought this to Van's attention some time ago, and was told it has been corrected on the master drawing.

Hope this helps.

W1206K is NOT riveted to the spar

Quote: "Yes, are right that W1206K is already riveted to the spar with two rivets already...but the instructions say to rivet the spar stub doubler to that piece...."

No, the W1206K is NOT already riveted to the spar with 2 rivets. The W1206K has been riveted to the W-1206B Spar Stub Doubler with 2 rivets by the factory. The W-1206B is part of the spar. Look for the W-1206B in Figure 2 on page 13-03. I hope this helps.

John, you are correct, the rib doublers that you cut apart in 13-02 had one mislabled on the drawing, and that's how I marked it, so when I got on the next page nothing made sense. I finally went back this morning and caught it as John has already done.

Just one minor number error and it really confused me. thanks for all you input folks. I appreciate it.
