Well Known Member
I have been flying with one of these frequently for about the last month. With outside temperatures generally about 100 degrees, this little box has about a 33 degree drop, last for about an hour and fits very conveniently in the back of a 6,7, 8 or 9. I use it to taxi out & takeoff, turn it off when I get to about 3k, then turn it back on coming down lower for landing. It is very compact, lite weight and draws about 4amps. It is not a evaporative cooler, but conditions air by pumping cold water through a little radiator (actually takes water out of the air). It is priced very moderately, where it would be difficult to go out and source the parts, buy them and assemble for less than what this sells for.

If your interested you can check it out at

[Ed: Adding full disclosure here... It appears that you are the one selling this unit... this isn't an "end-user" review]
Didn't mean to imply anything different here, although I and a group of RV flyers have tested and enjoyed it extensively.
Thanks Chuck
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I want to thank everyone for their support that ordered a unit. The response was more than I expected. I will try very hard to have all units shipped by the last week of August.

Thanks again.