
Well Known Member
I am laid up with a cast and can't build so I want to mess with my ICOM 210 and bench test the radio. I am thinking a 12v battery from a riding mower that is hooked up to a charger. I would hook up the radio to the battery with the required fuses. Does this seem like a good way to go? Any ideas and thoughts would be appreciated.

Mike, a fully charged mower battery should not be a problem. You probably wont need the charger too. The current draw is pretty low in receive, and you probably wont be doing a lot of transmitting I suspect.

I am not sure about modern solid state radios, but transmitting without an antenna attached used to be a big nono.
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Please don't do it!

I recall reading somewhere that hitting transmit without and antenna attached you can fry your radio. Electronics gurus please chime in.
It depends entirely on how the final amplifier is coupled. But there is no reason to ever key the transmitter without the antenna loaded. Just don't take the chance.