Daniel S.

Well Known Member
Can we still do those polls on here? Im wondering how may folks prime, what products used & weight guesstimate. Specifically on the -12
Primer weight

No idea how many prime but I did weigh a lot of parts before and after spraying P69G2, and have a pretty good idea how much it weighs. Pretty consistent 1%
No idea how many prime but I did weigh a lot of parts before and after spraying P69G2, and have a pretty good idea how much it weighs. Pretty consistent 1%

I've just started building my RV-12is rudder and have been priming with Stewart Systems EkoPrime so far. I'm priming for resale value only, because a lot of RV-12s seem to be near the coast. (My subjective opinion of the objective data at: https://public.tableau.com/views/U_...splay_count=yes&publish=yes&:showVizHome=no#1)
Before I continued I wanted to make sure that the weight wouldn't be too big of a resale factor for those in that camp...

So if I do the math on an RV-12:

(empty weight - engine weight - avionics/etc.) * 0.01 = approx. primer weight

(775 - 139 - 36) * 0.01 = 6 lbs of primer

Does that sound reasonable? Not too bad if so. :)

Note: 775 and 139 came from the interwebs, 36 was just used for convenience.
I?ve never missed the ability to prime. The only hard starting I ever experienced was when a shop swapped my right and left ?choke? assemblies, and when I tried a cold start without ?choke?.
Wow, guess I should have read closer! Oh well, every blog needs at least one crazy uncle character! Glad to be of use!😝