
Am interested in the RV12 for a grass strip. My r/w is 1600', pretty rough.
I understand the 12 is a floater, and wonder how feasible it is for this strip.
Also wonder about the nose gear strength on fairly rough strip???

What experience/advice?

I have 1400 Ft(unobstructed) 11/29 grass strip on the farm where I hangar my 12. I have been operating off since Sept 2009 (300 hours) I had 1000ft when I started flying the 12 and then added 400 for those less then perfect days.

1600 is plenty . As far as being rough I am not sure how rough you are talking but its best to rent a good heavy roller and roll it when conditons are right.

The big cropland rollers they use around here work perfect. Mine is pretty smooth and I keep it mower down about like a golf course.

I had concerns when I built mine about operating off grass . I sure dont anymore .

I did not install wheel pants and dont intend to.

Brad Stiefvater
It's fine on turf...

Carrie and I have 500 hours on our twelve with over 200 landings; but only 25 or so have been on turf. Both of our first landings with an RV-12 were on turf during our transition training with Mike Seager. It's true that the RV-12 will float if you don't get it slowed down; but it handles turf just fine. It would be my choice not to use wheel pants on turf. The nose wheel is the same size as the mains and the nose gear is substantial...no problem at all on grass. I think you'll be very pleased with an RV-12 on grass.

Jay and Carrie Sluiter
Albany, OR (S12)
I have made only two landings on turf with the 12. Didn't like either. In the 6A I flew prior to the 12 made many more. Didn't like them either. From my experience there is no such thing as a smooth grass strip. I know Van has designed the RV's with turf in mind, but it is my conclusion that the airplane takes a beating up of components that if it can be avoided should be. Never had a problem with length as most are 2500' or so at min. Shorter is ok on any reasonable length strip if one sets up the AOA provided in the Dynon 180. Just my opinion folks.
Dick Seiders
Grass landings

I have now operated off two different grass strips and had no problems whatsoever. And I have wheel pants on my RV-12.

Now, having said this, both are very high quality strips that are well maintained, quite smooth and long (3000+ft). I also did the majority of my flight training off grass strips which helps (all in a Cessna 150/172).

I would agree that the RV-12 is not a plane I would want to take into a rough strip with long grass. However, it is very capable on decent strips. I found it much better from a performance perspective than a 150 and on par with my 172. Key is technique- keep the weight off the nose wheel as much as possible and on the takeoff roll, get the nose wheel off the turf as quickly as possible.

As an aside- the RV-12 does not float any worse than a 172 if the final approach speed is as recommended. The only times I have had problems with floating is when I have been too fast. In fact, I find it floats less than my 172 did.


.....I understand the 12 is a floater, and wonder how feasible it is for this strip.
What experience/advice?


All RV's will float if you're too fast. It's the pilot's fault, not the airplane's.
Keep slowing your approaches down until there's just a little float during the flare, especially going into shortish strips.

Grass strip in England

Hey John, that has to be one of the worst grass strip in the USA!!
Thanks, Tom

That strip is in England ;):

Barton Aerodrome has a great website http://www.cityairportltd.com/

The control tower here is said to be the oldest working tower in the world.

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