
Well Known Member
My son and I made a trip to KGGG (Longview, TX) today from KCOT (Cotulla, TX) and then a return home. On our way back, we detoured to 11R for some lunch and saw 2 RVs on the ramp. Another -10 N64TX which you don't see to often and a -7 N77ZIP. Good to see some RVs out and about today. Wish I would have had to time to locate the pilots and visit. Maybe next time.
We were there

My son and I made a trip to KGGG (Longview, TX) today from KCOT (Cotulla, TX) and then a return home. On our way back, we detoured to 11R for some lunch and saw 2 RVs on the ramp. Another -10 N64TX which you don't see to often and a -7 N77ZIP. Good to see some RVs out and about today. Wish I would have had to time to locate the pilots and visit. Maybe next time.

Well, Frank, let's do that sometime, eh?

My wife and I were in N7721P. We go to Brenham frequently because the hosts (Jack and Jan), food, and service are top-of-the-list $100-hamburger rated.

Try a Fri-Sun visit on nice days and often you'll have trouble finding a parking spot. And it's not unusual for lots of those spaces to be filled with RVs.

One of the fun things about Brenham is the way in which the local community supports the Southern Flyer Diner. Then there are the tours (look for a parked bus by the building when you're on downwind), and the bikers, of course, Harleys and leather-clad guys and gals add to the crowd.

Hope to see you there sometime. But please, if that happens, don't offer to show my wife the interior of your -10. Next thing I'll hear is,

"Tosh, I've been thinking . . ."

and I'll complete the sentence,

". . . about a four-seater.":eek:
I have not had a chance to visit with the family, but we might be looking for a lunch destination this Saturday and sounds like 11R will be it. Hope to see you there.
Lunch run 8/23/14

I have not had a chance to visit with the family, but we might be looking for a lunch destination this Saturday and sounds like 11R will be it. Hope to see you there.

Normally we'd be there, but the current plan is to head south with another RV to Mustang Beach. I've not been there in a while, but it's a short walk from the airport to a trolly station. It runs (I think) on a 30-minute schedule, and can drop you off close to some great seafood restaurants.

Look forward to meeting you sometime soon, Frank.
