How does the ContourHD compare to GoPro HD capturing the prop? From looking at youtube videos the previous Contour had pretty bad prop tear.
Just wanted to let everybody know that we are now offering the Contour 1080p HD camera with an intercom audio input feature. This camera carries the standard 180 day warranty:

Let us know if you have any questions?

MotoCam 360

How did the price go from $275 retail to $599 ???? How is your interface cable worth $224?

I only paid $190 for my 720P CountorHD. My Sony digital audio recorder was less than $60 and plugs right into my intercom. Microsoft Movie Maker is free and lets me edit the audio from the recorder with the video.

I like the ContourHD better than the GoPro HD so I purchased the ContourHD. Both capture the prop the same.