Paul Eastham

Well Known Member
That would be smart of them if they started tempting hungry pilots with cheap gas. Can anyone confirm the price? Would be a good excuse to go eat some beef.
No recent update....


3O8 Harris Ranch Airport Coalinga, CA
Harris Ranch Inn & Restaurant
SS $4.65

But then they really aren't a fuel stop as much as they are a great food stop........
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My home base airport, KOZW, is charging $4.64 a gallon and the price has not budged down in about three months now. An airport 20 miles away, KTEW, is and has been at $3.70 for about as long. Its a little out of the way but the savings pay for the fuel used to get there and back plus a little extra. Its like logging time without paying for the fuel. Sure the savings do not cover the total costs of operating the plane but I fly for fun so it is cutting down my operating costs a little bit!
Washington, IA

I usually stop in Washington, IA (Self Serve) this past weekend was 2.99 for 100LL. This airport is in the middle of no where and it's funny to see Citations, Lears and Falcons show up in droves for their cheap JetA - short strip for those bird - must be cheap gas. Sorry it doesn't help you Cali boys...:cool:

Got gas a couple of months ago for $2.55/gal. at KXBP (Bridgeport, TX). I understand it's now at $2.35/gal. for 100LL. When I stopped, there was a B25 filling up. Neat sight, but I failed to bring my camera.
Fuel cost

A little "rule of thumb" that I was given by a retired fuel distributor; the cost of 100LL fuel to the airport or FBO is very close to the retail price of unleaded premium in the same area. Remember that they have to make enough to pay rent, maintenance, salaries, and make a profit on top of that number.

John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"