jeff beckley

Well Known Member
I have been trying for over a year to get my Blue Mountain auto pilot to fly my GNS 430. I have exhausted all my attempts with BMA to get this to work.
This request is not an attempt to incite debate. That would be counter productive as I need this to work. I would like to talk to someone that has the Blue Mountain autopilot working with any external GPS nav radio.
I talked to a lot of vendors at Oshkosh and came back even more confused as to what avenue to take.
Again... I request only productive help that I am willing to pay for your time.
Why not use the Blue Mountain internal GPS? Works great for me. Punch up the destination, hit the engage button, and sit back and enjoy the ride.
Geico266 said:
Why not use the Blue Mountain internal GPS? Works great for me. Punch up the destination, hit the engage button, and sit back and enjoy the ride.

The reason would likely be:
1. Why do I need to enter 2 different destinations?
2. Why would I use the device that can not take multiple waypoints as a flight plan
3. Why cant I use my nice IFR gps to drive my autopliot which has way more capability than my BMA
4. And lastly, why cant I get it to just work cause I want to and cause it should.

If you have ever tried to use a BMA as a gps (assuming he has a lite), and a 430, then you would understand why. It does not have any airport information on the destination, and it the worst moving map possible. The 430 is a tremendously capible device as a GPS/Com and can not be compared to the BMA as a navigation device.
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Hello fellow BMA user.

Jeff, I am assuming that the wiring is not a problem. If so I can give you help with the wiring. You do see correct nav markers on the EFIS unit? It is only the AP not following the External Radio problem? If so I have the same problem and I don't think anyone is going to be able to help until BMA changes there software for the AP.

I installed a panel with the bma efis lite as back-up and the large efis one as primary along with the bma autopilot it took over 4 months to get the system working with the FADEC so we could read engine instruments on the BMA, I even took a flight over to BMA home base so they could work on it in the plane. Then after we finally got it all sorted out one of the backlights in the big screen went out so the screen was very hard to read, we took that large screen out in march and sent it back to BMA. It arrived back to us the second week of July. So now we are trying to get the auto pilot to work for the first time with still no luck. So if you think your feeling bad this plane was certified in 2006 and still has not flown with a fully functioning panel yet. The owner is pricing a whole new panel as I type.

"quote" who is skip?"
Skip runs eastern winds avnx.. real nice... honest and smart... always had 100% success rate with him.. He is at KLZU in GA
Well it looks like that I am never going to get my BMA autopilot to fly any commands from my GNS430 like the company said it would. "I really hate being mislead"
So... I need some advice on some options.
What will work?