
Well Known Member
Wow, 100 hours!!

Pulled the cowling and gave it a good going over. Condition inspection is coming soon, so I didn't get into all the covers etc.

Only two issues. 1) some spiral wrap I used too close to the engine half melted. I used the wrong stuff-no heat resistance. 2) carb temp quit working right at 99 hours. It is an EI setup, anf they had done a poor job of wiring a connector. I fixed that and tied in better to reduce potential vibration.

and -- I went and flew a sundwon with my son this evening and it was great!

I do have a few issues waiting for the real thing next month. Tiny seep in one brake, and I think I finally figured out where--fitting on the reservoir.

One flap link is kinda strill rubbing and I cannot make the hole larger. I will bend something, or replace the hex rods with smaller tube.

Kepp those rivets coming, and you too can get to do a 100 hour lookover.
rv8guy said:
Wow, 100 hours!!

One flap link is kinda strill rubbing and I cannot make the hole larger. I will bend something, or replace the hex rods with smaller tube.

Just curious--why can't you make the hole larger? I've got tons of room around my flap (hex rod) actuator.

Usually when I've had a problem like this on my airplane, I've got something assembled wrong.

It also seems to me that "tweaking" the flap weldment might be less work than replacing the tube.

Anyway, congratulations on the milestone. I'm at about 160 hours, and still finding stuff occasionally ;-P

James Freeman
Marshal, Do not bend the flap pushrod. It works 100% in compression and bending it will weaken it.

I'd never bend the pushrod, but the weldment could be tweaked, I think.


I am all the way to the outside, and already have a thin washer to keep it inboard. If I enlarge the hole, it starts taking out the doubler, and crawls up the side!!

Its just a geometry thing. possibly the entire thing is 1/8 inch too far the the right as the left side has planty of room, but that goes back to installing/drilling the delrin blocks etc.

If I had use the original tubes, it would likely just get by. As it is, I have just barely worrn through the primer in 100 hours, so its not like the thing is going to wear in two. Just one of those things that needs to get right!

what fun
I have a similar problem on the right side, and Van's told me it was OK to grind into the 'doubler' but NOT to bend the rods!

Good Luck,
I guess that is one advantage to using 4130 tubing for the rods - if something is rubbing that you aren't aware of, the hole in the aluminum will get bigger rather than the diameter of the rod getting smaller.

I used the 4130 rods becuase I was having a tough time getting good threads in the aluminum tubing, not for any structural concerns - and because I think I had a piece of the right size tubing lying around....

I think I am inclined to go with the 4130 tube, and just "get over it"

thanks for the discussion everybody.
4130 tubing is cheap and for the short flap pushrods, you may even find enough scrap. I did.