
Well Known Member
Time flies memories fade. Having an extensive archive of digital images, detailed pilot logs and decades of daily planners I am giving it a try. To remember what happened on a certain day 10 years ago. I can retrieve every day back to 25 years ago but that far is not RV related. So let's go back to May 2011...

Well, after building my RV9A for over four years, it's time to move to the airport. I started the empennage in 2007 in a tiny NYC studio then moved the project across the Hudson River to Bayonne, NJ. In a rented 1 car garage I completed the rest of the airframe the year was 2010. The frantic search for a hangar brought me to Princeton Airport where I was lucky to have an affordable space under a roof in a row of old hangars. With a dirt floor.

Al, local fireman, generously offered his trailer to transport the airplane to the airport for a nominal fee. Gas and food was on me. The crew of three went to work... Al to the right, to the left is Joe a neighbor of Bayonne Bleeder ...



Very carefully we loaded my RV on the trailer and secured it.


Stopped at a coffee shop to get fresh bagels to go. I am missing that joint.


Passed the toll plaza near Newark International Airport we hit Hwy 80. I was following the caravan in my brand spanking new Mini Cooper.



It took us over one hour to get from Bayonne to Princeton Airport. Unloaded the plane and moved it to the hangar.


Having such a rare opportunity to get skilled help we plugged the wings in the same day. Most builders know what ordeal it might be.


Around noon two "cousins" showed up to check on the progress. Jeff and Tony. Jeff was mulling the idea of building a 12 and Tony has already bought and ferried from West Coast his 7A.



Finished the operation at a local diner. What a day!
the basement laundry room build.... when there is a will, there is a way.

I really like this photo.

Thank you Steve. It was tight quarters full of junk. I struck a nice deal with a home owner, filled up couple dumpsters, scraped and painted walls and floors. Wings arrived to a real shop :D



There was a moment couple years later when it was time to fit the wings and I still didn't have a wide enough door to move the project out. The landlady was busy and out of reach I almost had a panic attack. The airplane is TRAPPED in the basement forever! Then a contractor came in couple months and blasted an 8' opening in the wall I was happy.

Caboom! I have the way out :D


Lots of Adventure in 10 Years

Gotta ask the obvious question. How many hours have you put on the beast in that time? Any other "big" trips on the horizon? You continue to be a "must read" for many of us. Keep doing what yer doing.
Terry, CFI
Gotta ask the obvious question. How many hours have you put on the beast in that time? Any other "big" trips on the horizon? You continue to be a "must read" for many of us. Keep doing what yer doing.
Terry, CFI

55 hundred hours plus Terry. All Day VFR. Running out of logbook manufacturers :D


Nothing epic is planned in near future the work consumes me.
thanks Vman. incredible story you have created. best of luck in your future endeavors.
congrats on the build, congrats on all these accident free hours and aerial adventures!

the work consumes me
where do you take the time to fly as much as you do then :confused:

Oh well, you gotta have some eastern system working for you :p
Congrats! I wonder how many people like me had their first RV ride in that airplane. It was a profitable ride for Vans. I'm hoping to have my 9A done this year. Keep the adventures coming Vlad. I think Vans should supply you with a new engine for being such an ambassador for the brand.
Pretty Amazing

There are a good many corporate pilots that don't average 550 hours per year - and they're usually on instrument flight plans and in equipment that doesn't offer many limitations. Ever think of giving a talk at OSH about trip planning/decision making? It's obvious you get a lot of use out of your plane and at the same time, do it safely. Might be fun to share your thoughts with pilots that get easily nervous about planning.
Best Regards,
Terry, CFI
Thanks friends it was a great journey indeed. And yes, still on original engine.

... nice and cool day May 11, 2011 got off work early to beat NYC traffic. Made it to Princeton airport in 70 minutes. Steve Golding arrived in his RV6A from New Hampshire to pick up some leftover hinges I didn't use for cowling.



His friend (forgot the name sorry) inspected my work and made couple suggestions.


Steve left shortly and I continued with assembling.


That dust from the dirt floor is killing me.



Next week I start intensive flight training at Princeton flight school. Already booked every available CFI to the end of the month. The mighty 152 is waiting. Also talking to a DAR :)