
Well Known Member
i realized today that my join-date for vaf forums was june 2006. ive been a part of the family for 10 years :). i've now been flying my RV for longer than i spent building it (in terms of years, not flying hours!) which i suppose is another milestone.
Congratulations! I don't even know how long *I've* been doing this thing? Maybe I should go look. :) Maybe I won't look - it would involve math.
This thread prompted me to go back and look at my join date....1-3-2005. Scary thing is, I can still recall some of those early conversations, and it feels like yesterday. Time is a funny thing.
It's funny how the time flies. I'm still in my early 30's, so I know most of the gray beards would just pat me on the head and chuckle...

My 10-year VAFiversary isn't too far off, and this thread did give me reason to pause and reflect. Without VAF, I probably wouldn't have built my RV-9A, wouldn't have started the -10, and would almost certainly be a different person today. Content on VAF constantly motivates me to keep building, makes me a safer pilot and a better builder. I check the site for new posts AT LEAST 30 times a day ;). A special thanks to Doug for hosting the site and to those who post the content that make it what it is, is definitely in order!
Sure nuff. I just looked ... I see that I had my 10yr VAF anniversary in December. Amazing ... times flies (as do we!) when yer havin' fun!
Slipped past 10 years, ummm....last year. I had no intention of building one for myself; I was working on a custom biplane with M14 power. Signed up because VAF looked like an excellent source for TC information, and those pesky RV's were popping up everywhere.
Time flies.:D
Been on the forum since Feb 2005.
Received AW, June 2006.
First Flight, July 2006.

I don't think I could have made without all the help from everyone here.
And, I hope I have contributed in helping others get to flight.

Happy Anniversary!
This thread prompted me to go look. I started in June of 2006, so I hit ten years this month as well.