
Well Known Member
$10 Microbrew Valve-o-scope (Borescope)

Is it awesome, no. Does it do the job, yes. Is it the price of a micro-brew, yes. The $10 valve-o-scope. It works for me - YMMV. Well worth the 10bux.

Here is my setup: Cheapo $9.12 borescope(waterproof!!) The scope is taped to a length of 14ga copper wire to get the required hook.

An old laptop running Linux Mint 18 with the "Cheese" webcam program displays the video and can snap pics. Linux Mint is a cool, free OS. A phone or tablet would work, too.


Like I said - the pics are not museum quality, but they let you see valves just fine - did I mention less than $10??

Cyl 1

Cyl 2

Cyl 3

Cyl 4
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Too cool Pete - I was looking at the nice Oregon Scientific articulating scope today at the Puyallup show, and as nice as they are, it's hard to pass one of these up for that price! Got one on the way for myself.
Nothing for Mac?

Just got this one last week on amazon. a little more then $10. got it because of the IOS interface and the semi-ridged wire. Used it this week during my conditional inspection. Worked great to look at and photograph inside wing and tail structure, not so good for engine stuff. The 90 deg mirror accessory to look at the values not very good, just got a lot of cylinder walls. Also focal length of 1-2" seems a bit long so blurry when get too close.

Just got this one last week on amazon. a little more then $10. got it because of the IOS interface and the semi-ridged wire. Used it this week during my conditional inspection. Worked great to look at and photograph inside wing and tail structure, not so good for engine stuff. The 90 deg mirror accessory to look at the values not very good, just got a lot of cylinder walls. Also focal length of 1-2" seems a bit long so blurry when get too close.

The key for our cylinder use would seem to be the focal length.

The one in the OP states 1.6 inches min.

For the list from DanH, in order -

2.4 inch min - no spec - 1.6 to 2.4 inches - no spec - 2.4 inch min.

Anyone find a version stating less than 4cm/1.6in?
Nothing for Mac?

Most of these little fellas will work fine with a Mac, Vlad; you just open PhotoBooth or FaceTime and select the camera as the video source. I'm planning to buy one myself, and intend to use it with a MacBook Pro and and Android tablet. There are DOZENS of these things listed on both eBay and Amazon.