I wanted to build a 10 a couple years ago but shied away from the $40K+ Lyc 540 cost.

Now I am planning on selling the 9A QB I'd bought and, probably, starting a 10 before long.

I think even the experimental 540s are nearly $40K. What about the Continental option? I flew the Cont. powered 10 at the factory and was completely impressed with performance. Is there a good source on overhauled Continental IO-360s and what are they going for?

Yes, a used engine is always an option but there are many complications.

Can't answer your question on the cost/avaibility of the Continental -360, but something else you need to consider is Van's did not develop a FWF package for the Continental due to lack of interest. So in addition to the engine cost, you are going to have to come up with a motor mount and all the associated hardware for installation. At the end of the day that may make the cost of -540 a wash.
I'd forgotten about that. Kind of a shame, as that engine has enough power and is more economical.

If I go with a 10 I'll probably plan on a used engine as I don't know that I can stomach $38.5K for a new experimental 540.
Once you spend 120-140k to finish your RV-10 an extra 10K for a new engine will seem like peanuts...and you will be glad you did....

611TT flying scene 6/07
$10K premium for new? Isn't is more like $20K at least? You can get a decent mid-time 540 for $20K - new one (experimental) is $20K over that.

As for $120-$140K - certainly you can do it for less, and do it very nicely for somewhat less, no? I'm talking about $100K with a mid-time engine and a decent light IFR panel (dual screen GRT).

Below are results from Van's cost generator showing $87K for standard (slow) kit, and a panel with about $11K into it. I'd say another $12K into the panel for something quite decent (the GRT, IFR GPS, AP, analog backups).

So - $120K minimum? With a used engine? Am I missing something?


Price Breakdown Low High
RV-10 Standard kit $37125 $37125
Used mid-time Lycoming $12000 $18000
Hartzell constant-speed prop $5780 $6260
Prop governor and cabling $1350 $1350
Firewall forward accessories $3400 $4800
Electronic flight instruments $3200 $4400
VFR cross country instruments $1100 $1100
Nav and landing lights / strobes $890 $890
VFR cross country avionics $2800 $5000
Basic electrical system $400 $1000
Cushions / harnesses $900 $900
Professional paint $6000 $6000
Mid-US standard kit shipping / crating $850 $1000
Total Kit $75795 $87825
Deems Davis said:
Show me a completed -10 that's come in even close to what Van's estimator says.

Ok. That's news to me. (Not the best news! :) )

If you'd care to comment on where Van's estimates are inaccurate, or what's missing (other than tools & primer which I'm not counting), I'd be listening.
RV-10 cost

I'm almost finished building an RV-10. Most people seem to be buying new engines, and I can see the appeal to that. I've seen several good used engines (mid time or lower) for $13k at Wentworth. (I won't say what I gave :) ) When I first started looking at the cost to build an RV10, I could see that it was absolutely possible to build one for around $80k, but that would be a low cost, vfr panel and a used engine. But I, like most everyone else, built a loaded panel with dual Chelton, Garmin SL30, GNS 480, etc. An RV10 is such a good traveling machine, I didn't want to make vfr only. Anyway, I think the low cost option is viable, but not what people are choosing to do.

Kevin Belue
RV-6A ~750hrs
RV-10 finish
ddddsp said:
The estimator is very close.............major savings in used motor vs NEW and major savings in avionics panel IF you want to stay close to $100K. Here is a pic of one Vans estimator did.

Waiting to be FLAMED by the RV10 200K Club!
75.7 hours Oil changed today!


That's a very pretty bird, Dean.

Yes, it is possible to go nuts with the panel and be $50K+. But why? Maybe there are RV-10 guys flying all kinds of hard IFR and this level of sophistication and redundancy is useful & sensible. Me, I know I really won't be doing it although I stay IFR current. I think the GRT system, a 430, an SL40, a TT 2-axis AP and analog backups is quite a nice system and keeps you well under $30K.

I also figure that a mid-time engine still means a *decade* of flying before TBO and that makes a great deal of sense if you want to spread out the costs over a longer period. Exchange the core at that point and then you're flying for another two decades.

Or - find some partners and run the engine out sooner, but spread out your hangaring & insurance costs. I'm in a 5-guy Cirrus partnership now and, though it's very early (for me), looks to be a nearly ideal situation. Why have your plane sitting in the hangar six days a week?
