Ok, this is our idea (trying to explain in it in a not-very-perfect-English, but hope it works!).

I offer 1 week in my house+RV with my family in exchange of 1 week in your house+RV in US with your family.

Let me better explain, I know that there are a lot of websites on home exchange and so on, but what we are looking for is for a real life there in a family and maybe this is what another RV guy is looking for in Italy (or in general Europe). What I offer is 1 week with our family (not ony the house!), in an old countryhouse in North of Italy, just two hours driving from Venice, 1 hour from Verona or 3 hours from Tuscany. By the way, the area where we live is called Franciacorta (literally ?small France?) and it is famous for the red and sparkling wine (just google it and you will find a lot of information); actually we produce wine. We have 1 guest rroom with own bathroom of course.
Here you can see our wine "factory" right now:

A photo of our house,taken the day before yesterday:

I have my RV7 (you can see it herehttp://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=10564) and in that week, we can make the Venice airfield (actually on an island) in 30 minutes or some other fancy destination; by the way, I?m sure that ?pooling? in the RV community means find good people.
Here I am during our "pylon" race:

What would we like in exchange?

Similar thing, a family, between 30-40 years old (or with ?young? character), of course in the RV community and in an interesting place (I mean interesting to visit for 1 week, maybe on the US coasts). Again no exchange of home, we would like to share the life there with a RV family.

We are non smokers (but we are tolerant to smokers!), we speak a fair English, you can see Elena (my wife), Cecilia and me (we are 36, 35 and 3 and half years old).

If you are asking yourself why we want to do us, is simple: I love flying and also visit different countries and meet new people.
Luigi (yes, as Luigi in the Pixar movie, "Cars")
[email protected]
What a GREAT idea! :rolleyes: I wish I had the comfortable amenities to host you here! My place is small and I have airplane parts EVERYWHERE but you and your family are welcome to stay with me if you're ever in Austin, Texas. (I can make room to accomodate you.)

Hopefully there will be more takers in more exciting locations!

Good luck to you! :D
Sounds like an amazing idea and I just wish I lived some place a bit more interresting for you to visit. I am in Southern Illinois, 2 hours to St Louis, 5 to Chicago, 3 to Nashville but very little of interest to see in the immediate area. We would have more than enough space to accomodate your lovely family and an RV-4 10 minutes away. Hopefully you'll get an offer on the coasts with a bit more to offer a visitor but if not, let me know.

Good luck


What a great idea. I would be interested. I live in Southern California. In Anaheim to be specific. Lots of interesting things to do here including Disneyland, the beach, and all of Los Angeles. I have an RV-6A. Not too many RVs at my airport. When are you thinking of wanting to do this?
We are in our late 40's and our kids are grown now.
Lake Tahoe

I would be glad to have you stay with me here in Carson City Nevada. We are 10 minutes from Lake Tahoe and about a 3 hour drive from San Francisco. The house is small but well heated in the winter and well cooled in the summer. I am building and therefore cannot offer you my plane but I am sure that my local kick arounds would take you up in either their 4, 6 or 10. Please PM me if you are interested.
Buon Giorno, Luigi - hai una buona idea! Tua famiglia e bellisima! However, I live in the flyover states (Illinois), about 2 hours from Chicago - not much here in central Illinois. You and your family would be welcome to stay, though, even if passing through. My family includes a wife, a 10 year old girl, 13 y/o son. No flying RV yet, but fly a Piper Dakota.
Interestingly, I was just in your area last month traveling with my daughter - we stayed in a country house in the Berici mountains just south of Vicenza while exploring Verona and Venezia. I hope we meet someday.
PS - I was born in Rome, have family there, travel to Italy every 1-2 years, speak some Italian
Splendid idea! We lived for a time in your fair country (Brindisi) and have been wanting to return for a visit. Yours is a most beautiful part of the country.

While we don't fit the age group, we still feel we do! If you are interested in the mid-west, we are in southern Indiana. Cincinnati, Chicago, St Louis, Memphis and Oshkosh are not that far. We could provide not only a room in a very secluded and beautiful area, but an 2004 Subaru Legacy. We are not far from the first commercial winery in the United States (Vevay, Indiana in about 1805) with many interesting commercial wineries nearby.

Wherever you decide, you will meet some very friendly RV'ers. I might suggest, if it is possible, time you visit so that you might spend a few days at the Oshkosh convention in late July. You would not regret it!

Best of luck

Bob Kelly

That is a great idea. Unfortunately Charlotte, NC isn't really a vacation destination unless you are into NASCAR but I suspect you are like me and prefer Formula 1.

When you find a family to visit, please let us all know where you will be staying. I'm sure a number of our RV brethren will fly in to meet you.

Great Idea

Great idea Luigi. We live in Coastal Georgia, just south of Savannah. Daytrips from here could include Charleston, Atlanta, Georgia Beaches, St. Simons Island, Jeykl Island, St. Augustine, Florida Beaches, and Disney (overnight trip).

We are not 40. We are 59. Just me and my wife Carol. I fly an RV9A. I don't have any taildragger experience and would therefor not fly your RV7. But we would like to visit your country even without flying your plane. We live in a flyin community with 5 RVs either flying or under construction. 3700 ft. paved and lighted runway. Our home is on the runway. We have a boat that can take you fishing and to Georgia Barrier Islands. Our little flyin community is next to the coastal marsh, near Sapelo and Blackbeard Island (named after the pirate). Blackbeard Island is undeveloped and a 30 minute boat ride from our community dock. We can also arrange to keep our 4 year old granddaughter for your visit, if your daughter would like someone to play with.

Send me a private message or email if you are interested. [email protected]
Luigi - Come to sunny Arizona for a week! Warm and dry here! We are going to Italy in June 08, so maybe we can work trade! My RV-9 is still under construction, but I know several guys who will give you a ride. Call me! 602-826-0710
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I showed this thread to my wife. She said "Get that RV built, then we'll start and finish the loghome/hanger."

What a great idea, Luigi.

We are a few years away from being able to offer this, but plan on openning our place to pilot friends needing a Montana getaway.
Too small, but soon big enough...

Hi Luigi,

Great idea! Unfortunately at the moment we can't pull this off, but we are soon to break ground on an addition that would allow plenty of room for the 3 of you to visit us here in Portland, Oregon. Lot's to see and do in the area, especially around the time of the Vans Homecoming in late August when the weather is perfect. Can't offer up the RV, since its a ways away from completion, but I can probably find someone to at least take you up. Our MINI Cooper S would have to suffice for road trips to the beautiful Oregon Coast, Seattle, Crater Lake and, of course, the quick drive to Aurora for a tour of Vans.

We're just a couple of years older than you guys, no kids, and have a major passion for international travel. Next big trip is to take my mother-in-law to visit her relatives in Greece that she's never met (not counting business trips to London, Moscow and Hong Kong in the next month).

Drop me an email kandbinman at comcast dot net
This sounds exciting.

My name is Todd, my wife Sandy. We have dreams of traveling to Italy and this may be a perfect fit. We live on an airpark in the Seattle area. There are lots of beautiful places to visit all around. That is why we moved here. We have 120 homes with pilots on the airpark (S36). We have an apartment above the hangar which is set up to accommodate guests. Sadly the RV7A is still not done but this might be the motivation to get it airborne and the hours flown off. We do have a flying Citabria. You would want to come in the summer. The winters are gray and rainy. Summers are green and fantastic. Interested? ;)
To all of you.

I posted a reply to Luigi but this is really an open offer to all our RV friends (or RV wannabes) as a place to stay. There are others on this airport who are also thinking signing up on the RV hotel list. I expect more activity as time goes on. There will also be other places to stay here on (S36). I signed up on the RV hotel and had to only one visitor I have had to turn down. I apologize to whoever you were out there from NJ :( . Sandy and I are living in the apartment for a short time while we finish off a kitchen remodel... well actually the whole downstairs of the main house is torn up at the moment. In a month or two this apartment will be free again. Look for breakfast, Seattle coffee, good conversations in a kitchen with views mt Ranier when it is not raining. :rolleyes: I plan to visit some of the rest of you out there as soon as I get the RV7A up in the air. Look out! :eek:

Hope I can make it out to see ya Luigi - I need help as I do not speak Italian but want to see you country. You sure got Sandy excited about the RV group. This can only be good.
RV not ready yet, but can use my TB-10

I live in San Jose area of California. Great idea you have. My RV7 wont be ready for about 6 more months. But I have a TB-10. Not as fast as RV.

Luigi, A great idea indeed. My RV-9A will not be complete for a couple of years so an airplane exchange is not possible. My house, however, is most available. I live in Marin County, California. As you are a vintner you may be interested that I am minutes away from the Napa Valley and other California wine producing areas. I am also within 20 Km of San Francisco and close to other areas such as Monterey and Tahoe. While my wife and I may not be of your age demographic we have ample room in our home for your family as we are ?empty nesters? since our children are on their own. I have visited your country before and would relish the opportunity to see your area of Italy. Let me know if you are interested.

Jim Swanson
[email protected]
(415) 459-0524
My wife and myself would like to help out I have a RV-10 and live in Michigan. Alot to see and do in the summer, and with the 10 can cover alot area in a day in comfort. I see you have alot of great offers from everyone, just my wife and myself with 4 bebrooms and a swimming pool. By the way if you pick my offer I need some Pocket Coffee candies when you come.

[email protected]

Yes, of course.

My wife and I have a large house (two extra bed rooms), extra car to loan and live on the west coast (Oregon). Our kids are all grown now, but live close by. We live in the country about 30 miles south of Portland, Oregon. We are about 1 hour drive time to the ocean or 30 minutes flight. Mount St. Helen (the volcano) is North about 1.5 hours driving. And it is the home of Vans the world famous manufacture of airplanes.

Weather here is mild and doesn't get to hot. We have been to your area before for a couple of days and would love to come back.

We don't smoke, but do drink wine. We are in our mid fifties, but feel at least 49. I have been flying my RV9A for about 1.5 years and currently also have a C172 that I am trying to sale.

First of all many thanks to...

First of all, let me thank Doug, the host of this great RV Forum, who can make possible all this, I'll surely make a donation.

I received many many offers and it is really great from you all, I'll answer to everybody, of course; unfortunately I'm still not retired and it wll be hard to see everybody:):):)

Thanks to all, first of all. As I wrote today to one of you, world will be a beter world with more RV and more international RV pilots gatherings!

Tomorrow I'll see the first one here in Italy. Marc Cook of Kitplanes is in Bologna, here in Italy and just for coincidence, he saw my message and we will meet tomorrow for a dinner (no time to fly!).

Again I'll answer to everybody and thanks again: it seems that the RV world in US is really great!