
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
Background. I’m ramping up for a King Air 350 type rating to *hopefully* earn some local contract money on the side over the next few years. I’ve done enough seat support sessions at the sim side hustle in the last year to turn my green stamp book into a type.

So I’m studying limitations.

I took all the flash cards and made it fit on one page in a picture. Done using iPad with Apple Pencil using Edit and Markup in the plain ‘ol Photo app. What I created below, and I’m wondering if I (or passengers) would benefit from something like this for our RV-6.


This pic lives as the lock screen on my iPad and phone. I look at it a few dozen times a day, because my brain is slow to absorb new info. For the RV pic, possibly tire pressures, oil filter model and amount, flap speeds, baggage weights, etc. Stuff I’m always digging for.

Imma take a stab at it and will report. It’s something to work on at night while we’re just watching the Rockford Files and waiting for sleep. <g>


PS: Sorry for the big image - went big so you could read the small writing.
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This pic lives as the lock screen on my iPad and phone. I look at it a few dozen times a day, because my brain is slow to absorb new info. For the RV pic, possibly tire pressures, oil filter model and amount, flap speeds, baggage weights, etc. Stuff I’m always digging for.

Imma take a stab at it and will report. It’s something to work on at night while we’re just watching the Rockford Files and waiting for sleep. <g>


PS: Sorry for the big image - went big so you could read the small writing.

You probably did well in school on the tests were they allowed 1 sheet of notes when taking a test. Aways difficult to make it intuitive.
Chris Hadfield has a Master Class on Space Exploration. In one of the lessons he shows a notebook he used at the ISS where he has everything about a topic on one page of his notebook. I've been thinking about doing a one-pager for every airplane I fly with similar info on it. I love what you've created with this!
KA Fanboy

Yes, I'm a King Air fanboy. I'm fortunate to have flown 1,500 hours in the 350.

It goes everywhere you point it, carries ice well, loads a metric ton+ of anything that fits, decent speed, you can do 230 kts to 5-mile final and make the runway with no issues, and I don't recall the KA ever not allowing me to depart.

You will love flying her!

And a very nice cheatsheet.
It looks like you have one error on your diagram of the fuel system. The inboard tank (79.5 gallons) is the "aux tank"; the "main tank", commonly known as "outboard" is made up of the nacelle tank, two wing leading edge tanks, two box section bladder tanks, and an integral tank, for a total of 190 gallons. So, you just need to switch the labels on your diagram. [ed. Imaged fixed and thank you!]
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Chris Hadfield has a Master Class on Space Exploration. In one of the lessons he shows a notebook he used at the ISS where he has everything about a topic on one page of his notebook. I've been thinking about doing a one-pager for every airplane I fly with similar info on it. I love what you've created with this!

In the space program, we call those “cheat sheets”, and pretty much everyone in Mission Control (and yes, the astronaut office) built their own because the building of them was as valuable as having them. You tend to retain what you DO, not what you READ, so stealing someone else’s cheat sheets (a bunch of them made up a “goodie book”) didn’t do a person much good….