
Well Known Member
Since Vans is closed for the weekend, I need an answer to something now.

I ordered the Fuse kit BEFORE the wing kit. I had to order the Longerons separately as part of my fuse order. Today, I began working on the section just before bending the longerons. The step I am working on is fabricating (2) F805D (DWG 65?) brackets from AA6-063x3/4x3/4 angle. The only AA6-063x3/4x3/4 angle I have is (3) 12' sections in the longeron tube. I am afraid to cut 4-1/4" off of one piece if I need all of it for longerons. Something tells me that since I have 3 lengths, one is for making various parts, and the other 2 are the lower longerons.

Any Help?

There are only two pieces of raw longeron angle, and they are the really long ones. Those other three pieces are for you to use for whatever, including parts called out in the wing and fuse plans and in construction of a wing jig, if necessary.

I struggled with the same thing. I borrowed a wing jig and have two of these pieces still untouched. I "flipped the canoe" early last week and all longerons are permanently riveted now. After reading the thread regarding the battery access door, I just found a use for some of that spare angle.

The other longerons already have holes in them and will have the familiar blue plastic.

**I can only speak for the new style fuse**
For archival purposes, I'll point out that this advice is only good for the new (post August 2006) matched hole RV-8 fuselages.

Set the 2 pieces of angle for the upper longerons aside. The rest is up for grabs. I believe that the reason there is so much extra is that the pre-matched hole fuselages used some 6061 angle for the lower and mid aft longerons. The -1 fuses have these parts made out of formed 2024 that is pre-punched. I just finished my -1 fuse and still have 3 long lengths of .062 x 3/4 x 3/4 angle left.


Tomorrow when I start up again, I won't worry about the 4-1/4 inches I hack off.