
Well Known Member
I need about 2 feet of 1/8" copper tubing for my primer line. ACS is the only place I can find this, but you have to buy 10 feet minimum ($1.55 per foot). If anyone has already done this and has some extra, I'd be happy to chip in for a couple of feet (say $10 for tubing and shipping). It's not a lot of bucks, but I hate to buy 10 feet so 8 feet of it can lay around my shop for 25 years and then be thrown in the trash.:rolleyes: So this could be a win-win; I get the tubing I need and you can start the shop cleanout!

Any hardware store should have 1/8" copper tubing. If you use coper tubing for your primer line be sure to inspect it often and be prepared to replace it regularly as copper work hardens with vibration and it will eventually break at the connections.
Primer line

I have some 1/8 inch line.
I bought a box of it from Napa when I did my primer install.
I'm sure I have 2 foot extra.

I'm surprised to hear Mel's comments about copper line.
I looked around a lot at primers and found most systems were copper.
Even Vans primer kit is copper.
Believe it or not, I've seen aluminum primer lines and THAT scared me for sure. :eek:
I know Lycoming sells SS lines if you can afford them and I'm sure they are the best, but I've also seen copper installs that were 20+ years old too.

I'm in Louisa Va at LKU, so let me know if you want me to mail the line or meet in the middle at an airport for lunch one saturday!
Mel is right...I bought 10 feet of it in a roll from AC Spruce and a week later I saw the exact same thing being sold by the foot at Ace hardware. I could've had it faster, and cheaper.
I'm surprised to hear Mel's comments about copper line.
I looked around a lot at primers and found most systems were copper.
Even Vans primer kit is copper.
Believe it or not, I've seen aluminum primer lines and THAT scared me for sure.
Don't get me wrong. I didn't say you couldn't use it. As a matter of fact, I have used copper for primer lines. If you have sufficient and secured service loops, it's generally not a problem. However, fact is, it DOES work harden with vibration and CAN break. Easy enough to inspect, so inspect every time the cowling is off. Stainless is preferred.
I agree

Don't get me wrong. I didn't say you couldn't use it. As a matter of fact, I have used copper for primer lines. If you have sufficient and secured service loops, it's generally not a problem. However, fact is, it DOES work harden with vibration and CAN break. Easy enough to inspect, so inspect every time the cowling is off. Stainless is preferred.

I agree 100%
Thanks for the clarification.
I orgianlly had a copper primer line system on my RV6A... after breaking 2 times (at different spots)..I removed the complete system.. I built it with attention to releaving stress points and the proper hardware... Just didn't like the idea of squirting fuel... Anyway, I found that (where I live and fly) I didn't need a primer system.. and.. it gets cold here in northern Az. too...