
Well Known Member
Where are the updates from LOE? We need pics! No reports what so ever! We need weather reports, scorpion reports, blowing sand reports, ect!

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All the ususal suspects

I snuck out of work for a while this morning. I arrived around 10 am and there were probably only 10 or so on the ground at that time. They began arriving soon after. Our webfuror arrived just before noon with Danny King and the rest of the Dallas group in tow(grin, yea right). Scott and Tanya arrived just before Doug. I forgot to take the stinking camera so sorry, no pics. I will be back in the morning looking to get my friend a ride in a 9 so I can finish corrupting him.;) The mothership's 9 was already there when I arrived, but they can't do rides in it since the guy flying it isn't on the insurance for rides:cool:. So what is the point?

As far as weather, wind is about the only thing. Was close to 20 kts straight across the runway when I took off.
Rain is in the forcast for tomorrow, but the buildups are clearing out this evening. No rain yet!
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Okay, WHO"S IN ON THE COOP Attempt! The VAF brass is getting all "socialized" right before the banquet at LOE! I say we rush the computer and take it over. Change us to be the mods and delete the brass from the records!

If you guys elect me to be VAF Commandant in charge I'll give you free VAF hats for life (one every 5 years, I'm cheap!) and free posts on VAF for life. Who's in? Hmmmm? :confused:

Anyone know where the computer is located? :confused::confused:

(Why is it I have a sicken feeling of being shot at sunrise in a failed coop attempt? )

NYTOM, TSwezey, Don Jones made me post this! It was their idea DR honest! :eek:
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You have the KGB and the CIA watching you. They do a lot of work for little or no pay. I think I will let them maintain control.
.......... I think I will let them maintain control.

Oh man! My first offical coop attempt and I'm shot down in flames. Geez, Tweesy puts me up to it and I get beaten down like a rented mule. Oh the humanity! :eek:
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Grand prize?

Grand prize?, Well it was me of course!! If we're havn' a coup.. I mean really!!

From Leavenworth, Washington.....It's the closest I could get to LOE!! :D
grand prize?

I wish I were the grand the way, what is the grand prize?:)
Have a great Thanksgiving weekend!! (Oh ya in "Canada").....We should get together on this too!!
Oh man! My first offical coop attempt and I'm shot down in flames. Geez, Tweesy puts me up to it and I get beaten down like a rented mule. Oh the humanity! :eek:

How do you know that I am not one of the spies! Start the revolution, see who follows then throw them under the bus!
Leavenworth...KS and WA

Hey I work in Leavenworth, KS.....not only is it home to the USDB (United States Disciplinary Barracks) but is also home to a Federal Penitentiary.

We recently visited Leavenworth WA...a nicely done Bavarian Village! We enjoyed our two day stay very much. By the way, it's exactly 6 hours, 20 minutes driving time from Leavenworth WA to Vans in Aurora, OR :eek:

None of which is really related to LOE, so I better stop now :eek:

Twice to Vans in Oregon, third time to Leavenworth, Wa. It's OOOMPAPPPA time in Washington State. Picking up Acrylic Paint @ stewart systems in Chalan, Washington.
One day I'll make Loe and other fly-ins. you got to love a an RV that does 200 miles an hour plus, oh ya I'm there!
All I can tell ya...

As we were driving up for the banquet emergency vehicles were running all over the western end of the airport area. It was rumored to be a Maule with 2 persons on board:( Someone who flew over when coming in to land said the only thing left was the tail. Also heard they took off into some really crappy weather. Sad indeed..... prayers and best wishes to all
As we were driving up for the banquet emergency vehicles were running all over the western end of the airport area. It was rumored to be a Maule with 2 persons on board:( Someone who flew over when coming in to land said the only thing left was the tail. Also heard they took off into some really crappy weather. Sad indeed..... prayers and best wishes to all

Well, that puts a damper on things.
Our prayers are with them.

It was a very frightening sight to see the plane disappear into the wall of rain just a mile or so off the departure end. We didn't see anything else until the storm passed in about 5min which revealed lots of black smoke and flame in the distance (probably about 5 miles?).
Our prayers are with them.

It was a very frightening sight to see the plane disappear into the wall of rain just a mile or so off the departure end. We didn't see anything else until the storm passed in about 5min which revealed lots of black smoke and flame in the distance (probably about 5 miles?).

Sorry you guys had to deal with that. I'm sure that put a damper on the evening.

Why would anyone take off right into a thunderstorm with heavy rain? The down draft is gonna be horrendous. I guess I should not speculate, but this is really sad and a needless loss of life.
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Please don't succumb to "get home-itis"

If the weather is bad, stay on the ground. Work is not that important. Maybe you get home a day late, or two or three. That is better than being dead.

Why we still have this type preventable accident is beyond me.

You know when things are iffy. Imagine having those doubts about flying while getting ready to go. Then assume the worst like this case. What kind of grief will this cause to those left behind? Do you have a wife? Kids? Which is worse...being late or dead?

About 75% of fatal accidents are due to pilot error. Let's assume that the weather mentioned was a factor in this crash. My opinion is that it was ultimately pilot error...thus preventable. I don't care if it was a downdraft, spatial disorientation or destructive lightning strike if that is possible. He could have waited, left earlier or the following day.
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Horrible news!

Horrible news to wake up to this morning. When I log on, this type of news is one of my big fears. My prayers go out to their families.
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This just makes me sick again - it's like Deja'vu. These two nice guys have been working on their RV-10 very hard recently and were nearing the finish line with the project. We've just begun their panel and have been working with them for quite some time to get everything just right. Now again I'll have the horrible displeasure of working with widows on what to do from this point forward. It's not a first for me.....

People wonder why I sometimes get so opinionated about things (safety and flight related questions) - again this is why. Again, I get to be mad, sad, and figure out what do say when I deal with their surviving families. Losing friends and customers in seemingly avoidable situations over and over again makes you jaded about people and discussions on certain topics, hence my somewhat sharp attitude on some things. I hate this...all I can say is God Bless and please be carefull. I feel so bad for the families.

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