
doug reeves: unfluencer
Staff member
We are back!!!!

8.25hrs flying today and I don't even know how many miles.

I'll start the travel log write up tomorrow and start going through the (229) pictures I took.

A GREAT vacation!!!!! Wish you could have been there!

Welcome home, Doug!

I'm looking forward to seeing the photos and reading your account of your trip. I checked the webcam several times a day and I think I saw you standing beside FLASH !
Thanks for all you do for us lowly "RV-ers-in-waiting!"
What time did you leave JC?

Do you know what time you left JC?
I logged onto the webcam at 7:28 expecting to see your plane on the ramp and it was gone!
There was a blur of a plane departing but couldn't positively ID it as yours.
I did a save on the picture if you left about that time. It could be you...

Mark Dews
MarkDews said:
Do you know what time you left JC? I logged onto the webcam at 7:28 expecting to see your plane on the ramp and it was gone! There was a blur of a plane departing but couldn't positively ID it as yours. I did a save on the picture if you left about that time. It could be you...
Mark Dews

I think we were wheels up about that time, Mark. Maybe a tad before. We flew direct to McCall (KMYL) to top off the tanks and were in the air again at 8:01. 'tis possible it's one of us.

The pictures are processing nicely and I'll have a report online Monday 0600 CST (complete with audio).

Still pooped (but happy) :) ,
Doug '(4) traps on the USS Johnson Creek' Reeves