
Active Member
Now that I have my 3/8 inch clearance from the cowling. How much should the baffle materal extend off the top of the baffle? Im planning on using 1/8 inch Silicone.

William Bennett
Full width for me, thanks.

My baffle strips are fairly wide, and the stuff usually is sold in three inch widths anyway. So, if you can get the strips to seal without trimming or puckering, then you can use the full width. One inch attached to the baffles, and the remaining two inches contacting the cowl. Just make sure the strips are wide enough and your gap between cowl and metal baffle pieces narrow enough so plenum pressure won't blow them out. I used the Bingelis approach to this and just used a fingertip width as my gap feeler all around. (Debur the baffle parts first! :eek: )

The seal strips have to stay facing forward and inboard over the top of the engine so air pressure will force them tight against the cowl. The seals will likely fight the cowling when you're putting it on for a while, until engine heat and friction wear them into the appropriate curl.

Press on.

Brian Denk