Why would it not be advisable?
Yes this has been done on an 8. Several in fact. Ive even flown one.
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Welcome, Brian...

Yeah, Van doesn't like it but as Mike points out, it has been done. Search the archives for "Super 6" and Super 8 and you'll find at least 6 RV-6's and -7 with IO-540 Lycs and RV-8's with IO-540's like Mike has.

I rode in a Super 6 in California with Bob Mills from Reno last December...pure rocket ship with climbs in excess of 3000' FPM and cruise over 230 MPH!!


My question revealed how new I am to the RV world. We haven't had any luck trying to find a used 360, but have found some used 470s... that will save us big $$$ over a new 360.

Mike, your site on the "Super 8" was a big help! Thanks! I also enjoyed reading about the differences between the rockets...it was a ride in an F-1 a few months ago that hooked me... As soon as we get our bird flying, I'll be looking you up for some formation training!

Since most alternate engines aren't supported by Van's, how does one go about getting that engine to fit on that airframe? Must you have a special engine mount made, or is there some place that specializes in these things, or is the answer so obvious and simple that I've overlooked it? Thanks Everyone!
i'm all ears

I'd be interested in following your research on this one. Anyone care to opine on whether the WW200RV prop would be a player with an O-470? My inclination is to say no, but I was thinking of ordering this prop with the group buy an SnF.
on Mike's site

Short Fuse -

I believe it was on Mike's site (Kahuna) that I read where he had the engine mounts and cowling retrofitted. He listed the names and numbers. I think it was on the FAQ page of the "super 8" page...

I remember reading the names and numbers on Mikes page, but I was hoping to get some more of the specifics. You know me, my mind doesn't rest until I get it all figured out. Mike's site is a great reference though. I need to look it all over again. Thanks!
To answer your question...

......Yes. You'll have to fabricate a suitable motor mount or have one built.

The guys with the 540's have extended their cowls by 8" or so, by scarfing the 'glass and laying up additional length, since the extra two cylinders need it.

They have (in the case of the Super -6's) lengthened their fuselages by 8-10" for weight and balance purposes...all in all, quite a challenge because it means longer elevator pushrods and longer rudder cables since you can't use the correct ones Van's supplies.

Why do you say that 360's are in short supply? They're everywhere, new and used. Places like White Industries and Wentworth Aircraft dismantlers have a bunch of running take-outs available. You can also buy kit engines and assemble your own or do it at their facility under supervision with all the necessary specialty tools and watch it run in their test cell.

Why do you say that 360's are in short supply?

...probably b/c we don't know where to look. It sounds like we need to give White Industries and Wentworth Aircraft a call, but we'll do a little more research on adapting an O-470 to an RV-8 first...
I think the long and short of this is:
Can you adapt a 470 to an -8? Yes
Will you save cash by doing so? Nope.
Big engine parts

If you decide to go big block, I have a special motor mount, and cowling for a six cylinder RV-8. The price will be very reasonable.

thumbs down, 470, to big, too heavy, way too much trouble
Dallas air Salvage has engines 0-360 972 227 1111
If you wanted the easy route, go find a smashed Bonanza, cut the nose off, and take the entire FWF, cowl, mount, exhaust... the whole shabang. You can graft it right onto an 8.:eek:
And no Im not kidding.
Got one in the hanger next to me that did just that. Been flying for years.

Anything is possible and it does not have to be hard.

That is a interesting Idea, We have a smashed Bonanza but it has an older E225 close by -I believe. And those IO-470's won't last as long as an IO-540. Is the 470- heavyer also? Jay? The idea of a big enginne in an 8 is so tempting! But I still need to finish this 6...
If you wanted the easy route, go find a smashed Bonanza, cut the nose off, and take the entire FWF, cowl, mount, exhaust... the whole shabang. You can graft it right onto an 8.:eek:
And no Im not kidding.
Got one in the hanger next to me that did just that. Been flying for years.

Anything is possible and it does not have to be hard.

Any pics? Im sure im not the only curious one.
We should start a thread " Show me your modified RV "
big block 8

There is another thread comparing 4 vs 8 How come a Rocket ( 6 cyl RV4) is so accepted but when some talks about a 6 cyl RV8 there is a lot a negativety,seams like a 8 might be a better starting point for a big motor than a 4.
Rocket verses -8 are apples and oranges, the Rocket is not an RV-4 with a big engine, it is a completely different aircraft that uses some of the same parts and ideas as and RV but is specifically designed around using this big engine. This thread is about bolting the big engine on a basically otherwise stock -8, like the super 8, this might be fine, some have shown that it is and is cool but not the same at all as what Harman did when designing the Rocket. I do like the super 8 though and personally have no problem with anyone doing what they think is right for them, this is experimental after all.