
Well Known Member
I have gotten myself into a small pickle. I added an oil filter to my engine today and had to remove the left mag (Slick with impulse coupling) in order to get one nut installed. I was going to call my A&P-IA to reinstall the mag but about the same time I was working on my plane my mechanics shop burned with all his tools. It is so sad. He spent the last few years building his own runway with shop on his farm and had a nice business. Now back to my problem. I have a friend that is an A&P that said he would time the mag for me. Can someone tell me what degree to set the timing and do both mags set at the same setting? What little information I found on the web looks like 25 degrees. I just want to know so I can be sure it's done right. The engine is an 0-320 E3D 150 HP out of a Cherokee 140. Thanks in advance.
See the type certificate data sheet

You can find the info at http://rgl.faa.gov/Regulatory_and_Guidance_Library/rgMakeModel.nsf/0/6235a06ff153fff28625760e0051f018/$FILE/E-274.pdf

25 BTDC for both.
Good Luck,
"The opinions and information provided in this and all of my posts are hopefully helpful to you. Please use the information provided responsibly and at your own risk."
Both mags set at 25?, but make sure you "trip" the impulse coupling before setting the timing on that mag. Turn the prop until the IC clicks. Then back up and set the timing.