Brett H

Active Member
I was half way through performing the gascolator screen check when I spotted one 0.156 inch shiny magnetic spherical ball nearby.

Any thoughts as to what it may be from?


Brett H
Columbus IN
I think Vans includes them in current kits to help you locate ‘blind’ (you cannot see the other side) holes in fiberglass parts.
Good thought. I measured one the Van’s supplied magnetic balls and they have a 0.313 inch diameter. So, much bigger.

In hindsight, better wording on my behalf would have been to say that the metal sphere is attached to a magnet (i.e., ferrous)


Brett H
Vans does include sphere magnets in the finish kit, but they are about a quarter inch diameter. .156 is about the size of a BB.
another thought; was it IN the gascolator or just rolling around on the floor and you happened to see it?

if the former, I'd look for exploded diagrams of the fuel pump and valve to see if maybe it has a spring check ball mechanism.I doubt that the valve does, but with all the varieties of fuel pumps out there it's hard to say unless you know exactly what you have.

If you just happened to see it on the floor as you took this thing apart, it could be anything. For example, some shop air hoses have little balls about that size under the snap ring in the brass quick disconnect...

Edit; I don't know anything about the RV12 in particular, which is teh reason I have no idea what fuel pump or valve it has :)
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Great question. When did the steel ball appear on the hangar floor?

Unfortunately I can only answer as when I found it. Namely, after removing the gascolator.

The gascolator didn’t come off easy. So, I can’t definitely say that the ball wasn’t in the gascolator and potentially got dumped out when I removed the gascolator. It was about six feet away from where I removed the gascolator. But, behind me.

With the gascolator back on, I powered up the electric fuel pump and got 4.6 psi. The middle of the green band. So, the pump is making pressure.

Brett H