
Well Known Member
Where was your 10,000 rivet? Assuming the ?Big? box of LP4-3 rivets actually contain 10,000 rivets and not counting all the solid rivets or other LP rivets. Where was your 10,000 Rivet? I am getting close to finishing the ?Big Box? and my will be somewhere (TBD) in the fuselage. Please be specific if you have that information. This is just for fun.
10000 rivit

Mine ended up in the floor at about the air vent on the passenger side.
I drew a circle around it and put the date in.
Great project.
Paul Ledoux
I found the stem of my 10,000th rivet in my tire after I pulled the fuse out into the driveway to fit the wings. Yes, I was the first person in RV history to have a flat tire in an RV-12. :eek:
We must have been second with a flat tire. Same thing happened to us in the workshop late 2012
Also our first experience to find how difficult it is to jack up the gear without special tools
10.200 rivets

We had 10,200 rivets, we had to do the service bulletin on the landing gear after we were flying.

Being an old retired railroad man, I was thinking that maybe Van's should send
us one gold anodized rivit to mark the place. What do you 12 buildwes think?
It's not like we were asking for a Gold Rivit.

In my first annual I found two missed rivets. One was in plain sight. I leave it unpainted as a reminder to be more careful in my self checking.
Last rivet

I let a visiting aunt shoot the last rivet. She was absolutely awestruck. Costs nothing to give someone else a potentially-unique experience. Go find another 12,000 volunteers - make their day too ;-)

In my first annual I found two missed rivets. One was in plain sight. I leave it unpainted as a reminder to be more careful in my self checking.

You know, I found exactly the same thing. One was right on the side of the fuselage on the pilot's side. I was amazed.

I think my last rivet went into the ADS-B antenna plate. And it's more like 15,000 rivets total. I saved all the stems and they filled the box that the 10K rivets came in. Makes a nice weight.

And don't ask me why, I just got tired of picking them up off the floor so I'd catch them and throw them in the box. I do weird stuff sometimes.
After puncturing a tire on a rivet mandrel years ago I got in the habit of collecting mandrels after every 5 rivet pulls.
Mandrel Magnet...(no, not your tires)

One of my early "special tool" purchases was a magnet-on-a-stick. It looks like a Hockey Puck at the end of a short aluminum pole (or a really strange putter). Works like a charm and saves me from sweeping, bending over with a flashlight, and so on. It also picks up any drilled out rivet nubs that have the steel mandrel tips still in 'em. Those are a pain to step on with bare feet!
Cant remember where I found it. Maybe at Harbor Freight?
rivet nails

Back when I was building race cars in my youth, seems like we had a flat tire or two. Now I collect all the nails in a bucket. Nearing the end of my 2500 box of rivets and have a coffee can worth of nails. Probably save some time by letting them hit the floor then sweep them up later, but my OCD requires immediate internment in the can.